Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Miss Me? I Missed Y'All!

I thought these two little boys were so cute with their red hair. I always tell Brent I was born 40 years later than I should have been born. I'd love to be my age that I am now back in the 1940's, raising my boys and raising providers for their future families, but then again I'd probably be dead from old age by now. But I just love that era, don't you??

We have been busy for the last couple of weeks between soccer games and practices and Ian's school had their annual Fall Festival last Thursday so that was pretty time consuming. However, it worked out great and he had a lot of fun running around with his little friends and Brent was watching over them while I worked the food. Yikes, that job was demanding. When these people get off work and bring their children to the school festival, they are hungry. I was so busy that I didn't look up but the time went by so fast, it was over before I knew it. Liam even skipped soccer practice that night to come with us and he ran around with his friend chasing some girls, well the way I saw it the girls were actually chasing the three boys. He said they were following them and then when they started running the girls started running and then they all ended up hanging out together. I can remember things like that when we had functions at our Catholic school. I could tell you stories that would make your hair stand on end about what went on with all those good little Catholic kids I went to school with, oh yeah, I was one of them. Nothing major but the girls definitely instigated all the chasing, hugging, etc. We thought it was such a big deal to get hugged back then and hold hands. Yup, we were bad, bad, bad. lol
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... everywhere you go!!! Now isn't that the truth. Santa's already arrived at the mall but I absolutely REFUSE to partake in any kind of Christmas activity until after we give THANKS for all that we have received this year. Isn't that what Thanksgiving is all about -- family, fellowship, relaxing before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. I abso-friggin'-lutely LOVE Thanksgiving. I just told Brent the other day that it has to be my all-time favorite holiday and do you want to know why? Huh, huh, do you? Well I am going to tell you - in just a sec I have a text message to send. Who said I wasn't a multitasker? I love Thanksgiving because it gives us time to just be, do you kind of understand what I'm trying to say? All you have to do is show up for dinner, maybe bring a side, everyone can relax and enjoy each other, drink a glass of wine or two, listen to Christmas music, watch the game, just be. No worries about is he/she/they going to like the gift, should I have gotten a bigger size, this child needs a nap because Santa came waaay too early, listening to everyone whine and gripe about leaving the house and all their new toys to make the rounds on Christmas. I think Thanksgiving is about spending time together, enjoying it -- even if the food tastes bad or the kids are acting up, after all, you are with your family. If you can't be yourself with them, then who can the kids act up around or say that something doesn't taste too good. I just really enjoy it. I love spending the day with Brent and the boys, I love coming home and laying on the couch with Brent and watching A Christmas Story or any kind of Christmas movie, then snacking on all the great tasting goodies we brought back home.
Isn't this little girl adorable with her little fat feet and I can just see her boinking that turkey on the head with the ear of corn!

After I brought the boys to school this morning, I came home and have been listening to Christmas music on 104.5 all morning. They usually start this on Thanksgiving but it is really early this year. That's ok though, it still won't make me buy into the mainstream media propaganda by trying to boost the economy with the ever engaging commercialism of the Christmas season. And by the way, when cashiers, waitresses, waiters, the guy at Best Buy say (or don't say) Merry Christmas, I always make an effort. Even to the Salvation Army people stationed outside of Sam's Club I said Merry Christmas. If they say Happy Holidays or anything other than Merry Christmas, I am always wondering what is up with that???? I cannot consciously do that. Maybe it's a good thing I am a stay-at-home mom because if my employer asked me to do that, I would have to speak up. Hell, I worked for a Jewish family for three years right out of high school and it was not an issue then, what is the problem now? OK, off the soapbox. Just give thanks on Thanksgiving and celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas. Is is really that hard?

(I used this turkey last year and thought it was hilarious then. Well, guess what? I still think it's hilarious this year!)

So soccer season is officially over. My baby's team is going to the playoffs in December. They were undefeated all season and have done exceptionally well. So the first weekend of December is going to busy between playoff games and Ian will be making his First Reconciliation at church so we are going to do a dinner and cake for him, just to celebrate his First Penance in preparation for his First Communion in April. He told us that soccer was waaay more important and he'd rather go to Liam's games. I was like no way buddy. I think he's just worried about confessing his sins and trying to remember his Act of Contrition. We've been working on it but the next few weeks I am going to work with him every evening. He actually has CCD tonight so while he's at church for that hour it's the one hour a week Brent and I get it all to ourselves. Last week we went to Starbuck's (although I don't really like their coffee) so this week I think we are going to go look at a few Christmas gifts at Circuit City. We tried the other night and ended up buying them things they wanted, mainly two video games, that were on their list in the first place. Must. stop. this. Must. stop. buying. them. things. before. Christmas. If I keep that up their Christmas is going to be really disappointing. You know what I do like??? Kind of acting ADD today again right? Jumping all around as much as the thoughts in my lil o' head. Anywho -- I like the coffee at Cracker Barrel. We had to go and buy the stain and acid for the cement we are staining in the den last Tuesday when Brent was off for Veterans Day and we wound up eating breakfast at Cracker Barrel. Their coffee is so good. I bought a pouch of it and a few other things in the shop. I love shopping at Cracker Barrel. I bought a new Gooseberry Patch recipe book. I guess I need to go again sometime soon and get some more coffee. I actually drink my whole cup in the mornings then when I get back from taking the boys, I drink my hot tea. Yum. I love my PG Tips tea that I bought at World Market in Lafayette. Are there any grocery stores that sell the Cracker Barrel brand? That would make it a little more convenient but then again, I do love going shopping at Cracker Barrel. And the John Deere stuff is so cute. Just when I think Ian is growing out of it, he'll says something about his so-and-so broke so he needs another one or he'd like the collectors edition of this one certain combine. Maybe his passion for John Deere will stick with him who knows?

Brent is supposed to be going to Colorado again in January right after Christmas. Hoping and praying it's not the same time as my birthday. With my luck though who knows? He'll still enjoy it and we can just celebrate when he gets back. Oh yeah, why would I want to celebrate THAT? Getting toooooo old for that crap. So I've been lurking around blogs and getting ideas for Christmas gifts this year. There are sooo many great ideas. Of course I am not crafty at all. I love crafty people, but I'm not crafty. I can follow directions and reproduce crafts, but to just come up with it all on my own -- no way Jose.

I have made some really great recipes lately. I keep making the Apple Dumplins from the Pioneer Woman's website. They are so good and Brent loves them. He takes them to work for breakfast. I also made the Mexican Potato Casserole from Diary of a SAHM and they love it. I've made it twice so far and they can put it away. We made Sausage and Lentil soup from Carrabba's this weekend. We froze out butts off at soccer all day Saturday with two games in Beaumont so we came home and Brent made a big 'o pot of this delicious soup. When I email the recipe to my sister, I'll include it here. Didn't take it any pics of the soup but it is so good and spicy. Everyone who tasted it loved it. I have no idea what to do with the porkchops I have defrosting for tonight but I'm sure I'll think of something pretty soon.

Thursday is Thanksgiving Dinner with Ian at his school. I guess the middle school is not doing it this year but Liam hasn't said anything about it. I'll have to ask him about that. He told me in the car this morning on the way to school that he wants to get his hair cut. I'm sure he means more like a trim but I told him I'd call the guy that cuts our hair and get him an appointment. If he does it on his own, does that mean he doesn't have to get straight A's anymore? He's kept up his end of the bargain since third grade, so we are going to keep up our end. Little toot, he's such a stinker. I have got to get off and go figure out dinner -- decisions, decisions. Ciao!

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Can You Guess Who Ian Was for Halloween?

Brent & Ian on Boston Avenue Trunk-or-Treat

I never realized how much Ian looks like his daddy until they won a little costume contest last weekend. I was really floored. Ian will watch him and do exactly what he does, such as standing, folding his arms, scratching his ... well, you get the idea. Like father like son ... or monkey see, monkey do. Whichever, I love 'em both!!

YUP, Ian wanted to dress up like his daddy for Halloween, so that's exactly what we did. He was so cute and proud of himself. We even managed to find their old jeans with holes in them so he could match. I do believe this had to be the cheapest Halloween costume in America. They actually wear everything they have on and the Astros caps are from this past baseball season and the mascara, well, they snatched up my new tube and used it so I went and dug out an old one for them to use. All I've ever really asked is STAY AWAY from my makeup! But hey every now and then they have to go in my makeup bag, mainly when they are searching for the best tweezers known to man, and I watch those little suckers like a hawk the whole time Ian's trying to get out his own splinter. Yeah, we have made huge strides during the summer months. He's not a baby anymore and can get out and dig for his own splinters. Hey, more power to you little man. The less I have to gag, the better. Anyway, they were too cute. Liam was with his friends wreaking havoc on their neighborhood and playing chase with some friends who happen to be girls all night. I guess he turns 13 and runs amok. Not really, but from what I heard the girls were chasing them. Here are a few extra pics of our Halloween week and our pumpkin decorating contest. I think Brent won with the black and gold pumpkin, which are the colors of our school. He always does a good job with artsy stuff. I just wanted mine to have black polka dots but then I tried to join the polka dots and add a little splash of pink and Brent said it looked like a bunch of special spiders. He said my pumpkin was hideous. Oh well, I was the judge and he didn't win. Both the boys tied and got a kiss and a buck from mom. They were less than thrilled. But... it's all about that quality family time we spent together until I threw a fit and stomped off because mine turned out so fugly. Brent's was the best and his was the first to either and die because all the acid in the paint or some chemical reaction ended up eating right into the pumpkins. ha ha Serves him right for being so hoighty-toighty (is that even how you spell it??) and big-headed about having the best pumpkin!

This was Brent's pumpkin he decorated. Yeah his is great, mine sucked. His deflated after a couple of days because of all the paint. HA HA

This was Liam's pumpkin. One side was a happy face, the other side was a scary face. He was trying to appease everyone and one of the little kids in our neighborhood is scared of scary faces. I thought that was really sweet.
This one was mine. I know it's hideous, you don't have to tell me. I put a lot of work into until I got pissed off because it got uglier and uglier the more I tried to help it. Oh well, c'est la vie.

This one is Ian's. It's kind of crazy and all over the place which suits his personality perfectly. He took great pride in his Bulldog pumpkin to reflect his love for our high school football team. He said it was all different colors because he couldn't decide. He does take after me in some aspects, especially his indecisiveness. Now those words could have come straight out of my mouth!! Do not, I repeat, do not give that child a $5 bill and the toy section. You will be there all day.

And I just wanted to say Happy Birthday tomorrow (November 4th) to my sister, Lesley. I'll be out voting so I'll be sending my love and wishes to you on this day. Sorry we had to leave so soon Saturday night. I know I probably missed the free cake but you know how Tricia is... Have fun and remember, you are only as old as you feel. You may look really old on the outside but I'm sure you feel younger on the inside. LOL Luv ya lots Lesley!

OK, so today I have some cooking to do and we have basketball tryouts tonight and working on a school project. Yup, another one. Then Brent and I are going to sit down and make a list of stuff that needs to get done. We are going to playoffs in soccer this December as Liam and his team won a really important game Saturday but the kicker is playoffs are the same weekend that Ian makes his First Penance. AAHHH, another kink in my plan to go away for a weekend with my family and get some Christmas shopping done. So I may have to call on godparents to make sure Ian fulfills his First Penance, especially if Brent has to work overtime that weekend. Hopefully it will work itself out.

Don't forget to vote tomorrow if you haven't already. I was going to vote early but every time I thought about it my stomach would start hurting. So procrastination is my friend in this case. You never know what could develop to make me want to change my vote. So we're down to the wire and I think Barack Obama and the Democrats have a great chance of winning, at least from the information I've perused these last crucial days. Like I always say, I really don't care who anyone votes for, just VOTE. It's your constitutional right. Especially women. Moms in this country do not get enough credit for their participation in these elections. Take pride in your country and the fact that you are voting on your children's behalf. It really does matter. OK, off my soapbox. Get out and VOTE on Tuesday!!

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