Just a little sidenote to begin with: two things not related to my friends or family that I truly enjoy ... a little Bobby with my coffee!
On with it.....
OK, so if you break down and cry for almost absolutely no reason whatsoever, it is always blamed on PMS??? I'm not sure, but I think after the emotional breakdown I had Friday morning it would make one wonder. I'm sitting happily at my friends house, talking to her about some stuff and I leave and all of a sudden I realize THIS IS IT! This is my life. I have officially become my mother and I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The only difference is she smoked and I don't!! Guess what triggered it? Your guess is as good as mine. And get this, it probably only lasted for about five minutes! But I know who the culprit is -- every time this happens it's either an idiot I've come across that day that I may or may not know or PMS. No matter what, my DH says it's the PMS but I tend to disagree. I may not be able to officially blame all the wrong in my life on my OLs, but I can always rationalize it!! I know, I know, thank you, it's an art form. And the bad thing is that I was just bragging to my sister that I talk to every day that I could not remember the last time I cried. And I was being serious. I can honestly say I think it's been months. I couldn't cry when Brent went out of town for two weeks because the boys would have freaked out, and when he came home I was happy so I didn't cry then either. I shed a few tears on the first day of school but they were so happy about going back, I wasn't even scared or apprehensive because they both just seemed so content as we said our goodbyes and the older one walks off like any other day and the little one wanted me and his dad to just leave before a bunch of his friends got to the classroom. A big difference from last year. In kindergarten he cried, I cried, hell, even his dad was crying. He cried every day before I dropped him off and every afternoon when I would go through carpool line and he'd jump in the car all happy only to totally burst into tears and hug my neck all the way out of the line. This went on for three weeks and just when I was getting really worried, it stopped. YUP, just like that. One day he didn't cry before school and then I said it would be worse that afternoon, but it never came. Like I say all the time and I tell my friends and family, it takes 21 days to form a habit and that is just about how long it took him to form his habit of actually going to school. Mother's Day Out just cannot prepare them the way a 5 day pre-K program can. My oldest son, Liam, went to Cathedral School for three years before he started kindergarten and it was wonderful. He was well prepared, whereas Ian was not so hip on MDO or pre-K so he went to the same MDO program for 5 years, from about 8 months until he started kindergarten. He does not like change. He loved little school but it definitely lacks the structure and curriculum that is offered at an accredited school. On with that.... it got kind of boring. Liam's team won their 3rd straight soccer game and my youngest lost his game. They are only 7 years old so they don't go to the playoffs but Liam's team is doing GREAT this year and I hope they keep it up. We went to the playoffs in Houston last year right before Christmas and it was a lot of fun. The boys loved it, and of course they were devastated when they lost the second game. But we made the whole weekend fun and did some Christmas shopping. Well, I guess I better finish my yearbook publication for PTA which is due by Friday and I still have tons of stuff to do to get it prepared.
Do you think it was PMS or just stupid-asses that caused my tears?? I'll ponder that too.
Do you think it was PMS or just stupid-asses that caused my tears?? I'll ponder that too.
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