OK, so don't make fun of me for keeping my pumpkin background. Working on changing it but once again, that would require a concrete decision-making process that I am incapable of committing to at this point in my life. I guess I'm secretly hoping if I don't change my theme, Christmas will just lay in limbo, no such luck though. I LOVE Christmas. It is my favorite holiday. Just watching the boys light up on Christmas morning is worth all the blood, sweat and tears we have to endure during the shopping but ... but... each year it gets harder and harder to top the last. We're going to try but they already have basically what they want, so I guess I have to get a little creative this year. I hope Santa brings me the IPHONE but I know he's not going to because "we're not in the AT&T plan." I cannot believe Santa knew where I had my plan. That was surprising in itself! Plus, let's give the pumpkin/fall theme a little extra time, as Christmas stuff has been out since mid-October totally disrespecting the theme of fall and Thanksgiving. OK, so I went off on a rant for no apparent reason ... well, the reason is how lazy I am and refuse to commit to figuring it out again. The more crap I add to my blog the harder it is to write the HTML codes for the new background. Learning as I go so be patient. Posting this on the road so I don't have time to figure it all out right now anyway.
Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was great, ours definitely was fun. We went out of town and spent the holiday with my sister. She takes good care of us and we did a little shopping Friday. Brent and brother-in-law went on an excursion with the boys to a state park and they really enjoyed that. They brought back a bunch of sugar cane they've been sucking on all week so I have to make sure they brush their teeth twice as much as usual. I secretly went and threw out a bunch of it when the trash came yesterday so hopefully that'll be the end of that.
Listening to an all Christmas radio station to get in the mood of the festivities of the holidays. Trying not to dread the idea of presents, decisions, wrapping, decorating, family get-togethers and friends stopping by. Could I be any more anti-social today?? I don't think so, then again I am PMSing so I could really give a shit anyway. Kansas City Railroad has a decorated traveling train coming through tonight so we're going to take the boys, in between soccer (yes, still) and CCD. That should be fun, trying to get that in between 4-5:30pm. Last year we waited in line for over an hour to hopefully we'll make it in time.
Soccer playoffs are this weekend in the Austin area so that should be fun. My friends are going to Natchitoches, LA and I want to go and bring the boys to see all the lights there. They have a huge fireworks display this weekend but once again, soccer is invading my life and changing our life plans. Not really, but it sounded good. I hate that soccer, for the last two years, has invaded into our Christmas holidays. It needs to finish up sooner so we can go to play-offs and be done before the Thanksgiving holiday. It gets so hectic and to have that on top of it makes it that more unbearable.
We also have two projects for school to work on so I guess we'll each take a kid and try and get it done. What are these freakin teachers thinking? Don 't they have lives? Oh yeah, they do because they lay on the work on the parents to do the homework with the kids that they should have been taught in the classroom that day. Let's not go there. On with that........... I'll try and do another post later when I work on my Christmas theme, but it will probably be in the wee hours of the morning. Ciao!
1 comment:
great cool site! i've enjoyed american thanksgiving celebration for the last 3 years (thanks to the generosity of our friends), but i missed it this year... how i love pumpkin pie and your background...
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