Who'd a thunk it?? In our little ole town, in a small residential area where EVERYBODY goes to actually trick-or-treat, we get stuck in a gridlocked traffic jam. It was too funny. We were actually trying to leave the area because we were spent and exhausted and, on the way out, people had started parking IN THE ROAD. So as others were trying to go around the parked vehicles, it created this jam that we sat in for over 35 minutes. My hubby and another PTA mom's husband got out to direct traffic and ask people to back up or we'd be sitting in this cluster +++ all night and guess what, they'd back up and turn around and as soon as they did, somebody else would pull up into that space. It was hopeless.... so we all just sat there until somebody decided to start the ball rolling and start backing out AGAIN!!! One little old grandma would not back up so that lane was still sitting there half an hour later. I have never seen such a thing. I know we talk about people from other countries speaking English but PLEASE people, if you cannot speak English, maybe you cannot read the sign that said "NO PARKING THIS SIDE." AAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! It was so frustrating. While my husband was asking people to please start backing up this lady about ten cars back walks up yelling "I have to get into my home! I have to get into my HOME NOW!!" And he was so calm. I would have told her SOMETHING along the lines of "no shit lady me too!" Good thing I wasn't standing outside. She made a fool out of herself and then two other moms got out of their cars which were full of crying trick-or-treaters and start yelling at somebody else calling them an idiot. I was like NO WAY, we're going to get to see two middle-aged PTA moms go to fist city. And guess what ... I was on the front row. I really needed some popcorn for this show. My 12 year old and 7 year old were cracking up. We were sitting in our car talking about all of them and how stupid they looked and how they were making asses out of themselves. It was quite memorable. We had taken the boys to some church activities and had fun there and decided to go to my friend's neighborhood where everybody said they were going to go trick-or-treating, which, let's face it, not too many people do that anymore. But it was fun and there were kids and families everywhere. Well, actually too many. People were rude and by the time we made it over to their grandparent's house, we were exhausted. The boys had half of their costumes off and were just laying on their floor and couches trying to go to sleep. So, needless to say, it was pretty eventful. They'll talk about that for days. I would have bet $20 on the Amazon mom whipping ass all over town with the west end Wanda! But Brent said "Nah, the little one works out, she could take her." Well, maybe next year they'll finish what they started this year. I just HOPE I have front row again. Too exciting! I'll try and include some pics when I decide to hook up my camera and download them. Ian was a dirt bike racer in full gear, including helmet and Liam went as Rob Zombie. They looked pretty cool.
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