Yeah, tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday, I guess a lot of people say Fat Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. It's special to our family because my mom makes everybody ( and I mean everybody) these wonderful crepes with a lemon and sugar glaze that is OOOHHH so yummy. It makes our mouth water just thinking about our special pancakes. I'm not sure of the significance of the pancakes on Fat Tuesday, but ever since I can remember it's been our tradition. The boys get so excited when I tell them what we'll be eating with Nana tomorrow. The last few years we go after school and the boys will eat them for supper because it's a CCD night so we have to be back across town before 6pm. A little rushed but well worth it. I'm wishing I could run away with my sweetie to New Orleans for the day and see the finale of the festivities. I'd love to be there when the party is abruptly called to a halt at midnight and the street sweepers appear out of nowhere to get everyone off the streets, and all the trash. I wonder if Brad and Angelina are sitting out on their balcony, which, by the way, been there and actually touched (fondled, groped) his front door. I bet he's there now just taking it all in -- another yummy thing to think about tonight. MMMM. Yeah, Wednesday begins Lent so now I have to start thinking about what I'm going to give up for Lent. I always say sex but he doesn't even think that's funny -- then I usually counter with "cussing." Now, mind you, I absolutely, positively, freakin', friggin', and all that other lovin' LOVE to cuss. Don't ask my why, I just do. I love people not having that control over my mouth. That it is my fundamental right, according to the Constitution, to have Freedom of Speech in which no one else, under any circumstances, can tell me what to say or what not to say. It's just me. Hey, at least I'm not a "closet-cusser." You know who they are. They seem all sweet and wholesome but let somebody do one thing to piss them off, and they unleash a fury of nasty words that would make George Carlin blush. I've seen it happen and I'm like "WTF was that? bizarro world -- I'm thinking PMS." I know people like that and I always just wonder if they are the poser or am I? I sometimes just cannot/do not want to control what comes out of my mouth. At least they have the self-control to not let it all come out. I'm usually very good around people I'm not comfortable with, but once you get to know me, well, take it or leave it. Plus, like I tell my sister: I don't drink (heavily), I don't smoke, so I'll cuss if I f__ing want to! So, I'm thinking once again, this year I'll try and get through Ash Wednesday without saying a f___ing cuss word but that only lasted until the carpool line at 7:45am last year! Fucking freaks-- their brats always seem to be the most important that just have to get dropped off before anybody else, well you know what? They're right. If I had a brat like that in my car, I'd fight people in the carpool line to drop off that little sucker and get the hell away too!! Drive fast! I love my kids and I'll wait in the car patiently (laughing). I'm thinking the boys are giving up candy/cokes even on weekends. They usually don't drink cokes or anything like that during the week already, so giving up any carbonated drinks on the weekend should be enough suffering for their little butts. I would make them give up the wii or the Xbox360, PSP's, etc. but that would be punishing me -- so, no way, I didn't cuss that much, did I?? Brent gave up drinking beer (even with his Mexican food) last year so we'll see what happens this year. He's been stressing a lot lately so I'm thinking not on the whole beer thing but it's up to him. He voluntarily did it last year and I was really proud of him -- omg could you imagine what would happen if I gave up sex and he gave up beer? I'm thinking a War of the Roses scenario -- didn't you just love that movie. I still laugh through the whole thing every time I see it. I was laughing out loud while I was typing it....
OK, my ADD's coming back.... have you seen Good Luck Chuck? I'm telling you it's nothing your children can watch at all, but we watched it while they were gone this weekend and we laughed and laughed and laughed. It had some of the funniest shit I've seen in a long time. OH MY God! The ad-libs and outtakes, bloopers, were hilarious. The whole thing made me laugh all the way through it. It was definitely worth the rent. Oh, and if you've seen it or you see it in the near future it was even funnier because Ian came home today with a giant penguin they had colored and learned about at school. Brent and I just lost it -- you'll understand after you see the deleted scenes. We were laughing so hard looking at my poor baby's penguin and all I could think of was that stupid movie. Hope you enjoy it. I give it the Right Ring Finger. Oh, and by the way, that's good. The pinky is bad because in sign language it is used to make a "J" for "junk." The index finger is "OK, But I'm Warning You" and of course, the middle finger means it "sucked bigtime." You get the idea.
As far as we were told by the people in the neighborhood, this is Brad and Angelina's house. It takes up a whole corner and goes down the block. Workers were actually going in and out through the garage doing some kind of maintenance work but no sign of Brad while we were there -- too exciting. He was probably hiding out from those deranged women who were stalking him!!
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