Brent took off yesterday so we could go spend time with our CPA and get all of our business and personal taxes taken care of and it feels good to not have that hovering over my head today. Hopefully we'll have good news soon and we can decide what we're going to do with our refund. Brent is working tonight so I'm cooking a roast and it just happens to be the boys favorite meal so I'm going to use Pioneer Woman's roast recipe so it'll be new but it doesn't look or seem too different from my version so I think the boys will enjoy it. (OMG did you see how long that run on sentence was? Oh well I can do that if I want to and I can end a sentence with a preposition too!) We have baseball and CCD tonight so I guess it's all up to me. We had fun yesterday. We went and ate breakfast and shopped at the Cracker Barrel and I tried to get toys for their Easter baskets. I usually do a theme so it's baseball this year. I know, not very inventive but I found some baseball soaps and cd holders to include so that's coming along slowly but surely. I analyze this crap so much that it becomes an obsession. I still have time to order stuff off the internet if need be so I'm going to do a lot of nostalgic candies and the Cracker Barrel has the biggest selection around here. The Candle Cottage on Boston has some taffy and stuff like that so I guess I'll include some of that. Any ideas on what to include in their Easter baskets this year??? Then we came home and enjoyed the peace and quiet and washed and cleaned and detailed my truck and then went to get Brent's boots. We drove around and looked at all the old buildings and I made the comment that I should have been an architect because I appreciate all the history and love that part of our city. A lot of the streets we went down were the stomping grounds of my dad when he was a young boy growing up and I just love remembering all his stories about how vibrant it used to be and how much fun he had. So I guess when I go downtown and see the federal building he worked in for 35 years and all the other sidewalks he walked down and buildings he stood in front of, it makes me sad because that's what I miss. I miss his stories. I miss his memories. All I can do now is pass them down to my sons so that's what I do, maybe not as much as I should but I do. I tell them stories and about their Italian heritage and one day they'll pass them down. Liam remembers them and tells Ian so I guess they'll go on ... even when I am gone.
Just saw there was an earthquake in Manchester so I hope everyone is alright. My people live there... my family that I miss terribly. The news said there were minor injuries and minor damage but I'm sending out my prayers anyway. Hope all is well and y'all are in my thoughts and prayers. Love to all. XXXOOO
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