I told you she'd do it since Obama was here on Thursday and our primary is Tuesday, March 4th, she'll be at our regional airport on Monday which just happens to be around the corner from my humble abode so me and a few friends will be staking out our spot early to get a good glimpse and maybe be able to partake in the rally. Who knows? I may even go buy her book and let her sign it for me. I respect her as a powerful woman, but as President? Eh, I'm not there yet but then again anything is better than McCain. She'll be representing our country against countries where women aren't even allowed to look a man in the eye so I'm just a little worried about how they will respond and respect her in those circumstances -- just a mere eight months until the deciding factor and that's a lot of time to think about my vote and the impact it will have on me, my family and my children. MMM
The last few days have been busy with Brent working so much and having to shuttle kids from one practice to another to here and there and fit in feeding the little heathens somewhere in there and then collapsing at the end of very, very long days!
So, today was really busy too. Brent had to work overtime like he's been doing all week so we laid around and then bounced on over to the skating party for the cutest little girl who is an absolute doll! As we were leaving the party I ran into my neighbor who wanted Ian to stay and keep skating with her kids and then take him over to their house to play -- who was I to say no? After all, Liam and I were headed to Academy to get all new baseball gear. They are both doing really well and I love the part of picking out all the clothes and new cleats and little matching belts and practice clothes. Liam was like "it's just baseball pants" and I was like "but y'all look sooo cute in them I could just scream!" Anywho, we were in there for like two hours and Brent was home by the time we got home and Ian's still playing at my neighbors. It's kind of nice not listening to them fight all the time. Brent's taking them to the monster truck show tomorrow so I'm kind of excited about that. I'll have all afternoon to myself so me and Tricia are planning on Barnes & Noble and some much needed alone mommy time. Our classes are going great, but I still have not completed my homework from two weeks ago -- I'll squeak by again this week and then we won't meet for two weeks because of spring break and Easter so I'll catch up then. Who said procrastinators do not have PLANS! I have big plans -- to do it later. OK that was funny.
It was sooo beautiful today. It was about 74 degrees, sunny, warm, blue skies and everyone was getting along and Ian just came home and told me he got to play in the new sand pile the entire time. Give that kid a sand pile, some toys, a shovel and he'll stay busy until dark. Add in a dirt bike, ramps and a four-wheeler and you won't hear from him for days -- unless he gets hungry. Sooo temperamental and yet so easy to please.
Going to try it tomorrow night for dessert so I guess I need to make a trip to the grocery store which has been few and far between this week that's for sure. Going to get back on schedule next week and it's our last full week of school and baseball before spring break. Yeah for me. Can't wait to sleep late. Ciao Bella!
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