I know, I know, it's immature. But when he calls early in the morning and says he'll be working overtime really late, it makes the day just drag and drag. Well, we had a great weekend. Friday night we had back to back baseball games and they both did really well. Liam had a good infield hit and Ian, well, he really puts them out there. We were busy with games and in the last two weekends we've been to five birthday parties. Ian has fun but it gets really old, really fast to me. So we headed out to Colorado Canyon and then Brent had to order some stuff at Cowboy Harley for his motorcycle. We found the cutest motorcycle helmet for the boys to wear when they ride with their daddy so I may go back and get it for them for part of their end of the year gifts. We try and do something big on the last day of school so I thought the new helmets would be pretty cool. Still thinking about that. Well, we had lunch and then hit the mall. Went back to MAC (again) and bought the prettiest colors and some funky colors too. That's what makes it all fun and not boring. Sunday went shopping with my friends and left all our kids here with Brent. They swam and rode the dirt bikes. Brent said they were excellent and didn't give him a big of trouble. That was good because I was kind of sweating it but not for long. Liam was a big help and kept the three little boys busy swimming and playing baseball. We had fun and then hit Sams and did some down and dirty warehouse grocery shopping. Bought two new Gooseberry cookbooks. I just have to say that I pay $16.95 each for them at Cracker Barrel and they are $10.82 at Sams so I got two for almost the price of one. Found some really quick, sounds good recipes that hopefully I'll be trying pretty soon.
First Grade School Field Trip (YIKES) is tomorrow. Off to the Julie Rogers for Cinderella or something ? cannot remember and then to the park to let the children play and have a picnic. The weather was horrible today and it literally rained all day so hopefully tomorrow will be better but if it rains, they are going to have their picnic in their classrooms. That sounds boring. So hopefully for their little hearts, we get to get out and have fun. I wanted Brent to take off and come with us but he's so bogged down and trying to learn all this new stuff he's a little stressed. But he's doing great. We have ball games Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday this week and Brent has a meeting tomorrow night with the "elders" and he's supposed to work overtime tomorrow night but he may have to postpone it until Wednesday night. He does not need to miss any meetings right now that have to do with our neighborhood. He called a little bit ago and said he's going to try and get it postponed. Graduation parties this weekend for Jesse from Lamar and Holli from the college for her nursing degree. I have no idea what the name of it is, something like Panola or anywho it's up north close to Canton. So we have an officers fishing derby at Brent's work at 7am Saturday morning, baseball game at 9:30am, cannot make the actual graduation at Lamar at 9:00am so we'll just head out to the party about 1pm and then Liam has to be at the batting cages at 5pm for his 7:30pm game. So I think Saturday is going to be pretty busy and Sunday is Mother's Day. I think I'll just want to recoup and relax. I think Brent's taking me to Galveston but it depends on the weather. If it's really rainy I would rather go to Houston but who knows. As long as I don't have to cook the food or clean the house I'll be extremely happy. He always gets me something to add to my bracelet that he just got me on Valentine's Day so that would be pretty cool. They have some really cool ones for the Chameleon bracelets and I want the ones with all of our birthstones. However, I'd be in heaven with my new KitchenAid mixer. I've been talking nonstop about it and he's like go get it and I'm like no, you go. Basically if he gets it then he can't gripe about how much I spent and if I don't use it every day then he can't say anything. Whereas if I go get it myself, then he'll say stuff like "You wanted it, you need to use it." Uh huh. So I learned a long time ago if it's something like that and costs more than I'm willing to pay, then he can go buy it for me and he doesn't bitch about it so much because then that would be rude. See, I've learned something in the last 25 years of being together.
So what kind of plans does everybody else have for Mother's Day? To tell you the truth I would just like to spend some quality time with all my boys, without any fighting. If they could promise me they wouldn't fight at all on Mother's Day, that would all be worth it to me. Peace and Quiet, now that would be SPECIAL.
Well, my sweetie just drove up so I guess I'll go say Hi to him and see how his really long day was and brief him on the happenings around here. Gosh I missed him today. Ciao!
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