(Denver, CO where Brent is trying very hard to get adjusted to the altitude and enjoying every minute of the cool temperatures. Booger.)Of course, it's not snowing there right now but this is the first picture I found. I'll try and post some if he remembers to take any.
Well, the last day of school is tomorrow and I for one couldn't be happier. I am sooooo exhausted and this will be another hurdle behind me. Monday started with a bang and Brent got to his flight on time. I then went to a mammo and ct scan with a friend and then spent the afternoon at the hospital visiting my lil momma with Tricia and Bailee. We had fun and cheered her up. By the time we left a couple of hours later she was laughing and was in good spirits. Brent called and he said the weather in Denver is beautiful and cool. God, what I wouldn't do for some 60 degree weather around here. Tuesday was Ian's awards in his classroom and Bailee went with me to see him. He did really well and received four awards and some pesos from Chile for an added bonus if you maintained above a 95 average. He was so proud he couldn't wait to get home to call his daddy and tell him about his awards. We dropped Ian off at his last game and then took Liam and Bailee with me back up to the hospital to meet up with the doctor and discuss our options about momma. It is very sad and depressing. Enough of that ... so Ian wins his last game and his granny said that he hit the ball all the way to the fence twice which is really good as it is on the big field. I told him I know his daddy is sorry he missed it. Poor little thing but he did well considering it was after 9:00 before we got home, showered and in the bed.
Today Bailee and I did all my shopping for the end of school treats, gifts and teacher gifts all before noon then took lunch up to Nana at the hospital. Ian went home with my neighbor to swim in their lake so after school I dropped Liam off at Tricia and Drake's and then we went back up to the hospital until about 9:00pm. Once again it's been a really long day. Bailee stayed here and took care of Ian and did an excellent job. She fed him Caesar salad with chicken and made a huge fruit salad and they ate that too. She let him swim so he said he didn't have to shower. It's the last day of school and he's going to be getting all hot and sweaty so what the hey! Sitting here trying to relax but it's hard when your mind is racing. Watching your mom wither away to nothing just breaks your heart knowing there isn't any way to fix it or make it better. I've finally come to the realization that maybe we are a lot alike.... If I can get one smile out of her before I leave each day, in the end that's all that really matters. Making the people you love happy.

God I cannot wait for my sweetie to come home. This week has been long and exhausting and when his plane lands you won't be able to wipe that smile off my face. He's my rock that I lean on when I need to and it is so disappointing to not have that; he's trying to cheer me up over the phone but it's just not the same. I miss Brent and I really need to get on the ball and get his party planned or call the place and tell them we're postponing it and the caterer too. I guess I can make that decision after school gets out tomorrow. Got Ian's teacher the cutest travel bag and jewelry from my friend. Hope she likes it. Picked up a few things to perk me up too. The necklace is pretty cute and some bangle bracelets that go with a lot of outfits. I'll have to put a link on here to her website. She's really reasonable and she is the sweetest person in the world. Better go print out labels for Ian's little gifts to his friends so I can get to bed sometime tonight. I'm about one tired bi-otch. Ciao Bella.
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