This week so far has been pretty uneventful. Brent is working really late tonight so we have soccer practice and homework. Wow, I'm too excited about that prospects. I guess we're keeping an eye on the Gulf of Mexico to see exactly where Gustaf is planning on visiting in the next week or so. Talked to my sister so if he heads this way, I'll head that way and if he heads her way, she can head this way. Is that confusing? Hope it's not a repeat of Katrina for New Orleans for Rita for us. Ugh! That was bad, but it was mainly being separated from Brent and trying to keep the boys happy that made it hard for me. He lived at his work for the first two weeks so he didn't get to come to see us at my sister's until he got a day off after two weeks of working non-stop. That's the stuff that I hate. Any material things we lost have been replaced but the only thing I can truly say that Rita took away from our family through that whole ordeal was our time together as a family and our three huge, really old, cedar trees. I loved and still miss those trees that lined the front of the yard. It still, to this day, looks so blank and boring toward the road. Those trees were one of the selling points when we moved here when I was four months pregnant with Liam. They missed the house by about 3 feet when they fell, so I guess I should be thankful for that. I used to love to keep watch on Liam and even Ian as he got older climbing those trees and playing between them. Once there were about six little neighbor kids in the three trees, just hanging on the branches and talking and playing. That's what I miss. I need a few flashlights and batteries, lots of batteries. I guess we'll know more over the weekend but it cannot hurt to go ahead and pick up some of those things and water, we need bottled water anyway. Too bad we used up everything we had from Hurricane Rita. I think at one point I had about 30 gallons of water in the garage from all the free water/ice we got when they opened up the city. Brent is classified as a first responder so I don't think he can leave with us if he wanted to, but at least he can go in/out of the cities without any problems. His federal id badge was the only thing that allowed him to during Rita, which was not technically a first responder. But that's exactly what they were. He was the first one back in our neighborhood as soon as the storm passed while it was still all flooded. He said it was eerie that no one else was around. A few men arrived within the next day or so, so that put me at ease a little because everyone was worried about looting. Luckily, our area never had to experience any of that after Rita. OK, enough on that horrible, boring, hate-to-think-back-to-that subject.
I'm cooking a roast and a big dinner tonight. Why you ask? I have no idea. Brent will not even be home to eat with us. Mainly because I took it out yesterday so I had to cook it today. At least he'll have something really good to eat when he gets home tonight. Have to remember to sign the boys up for CCD this evening and Ian for basketball basics. They teach/tutor basketball, dodgeball and he will go two afternoons a week. He's excited about it because two of his little friends are signing up for it also. So that will get us through the fall and then he'll have Upwards Basketball in January and then baseball season starts in April. He'll be busy, at least I hope so. Liam stays busy with soccer and then I think he's doing track and baseball in the spring. OOPS I hear thunder/lightning so I better go in the carpool line. Take care and drop me a comment if you want. I seem to be pretty bored with the back to school blues. Ciao!
hey girl...
saying a prayer for you that the storm steers clear of your family!
Hi there! Hope you and yours weathered the storm okay!
Thanks so much for having me on your blogroll! I enjoy your blog very much!
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