I've been TAGGED! Jennifer at JustBeeKoz tagged me with a Brilliant Blogger Award so I'm going to keep it going. I have to tag 7 blogger friends so let's do it. Thanks Jennifer for my first Bloggard (short for Blog Award). Yeah, my own stupid not so funny humor!
Per Jennifer: Please keep it alive and kickin!
A. Attached or single? Depends, nah, just kiddin. Very Attached and devoted to my sweetie.
B. Best friend? Brent
C. Cake or pie? Brent's chocolate cake! To Die For!
D. Day of choice? Saturday for the busyness of it all; Sunday for the family time.
E. Essential item? I'll agree with Jennifer on CAFFEINE, morning papers, MAC (make-up, not the computer), right now in the wake of Tropical Storm Edouard -- batteries, flashlights, candles and non-perishable food!
F. Favorite color? pink
G. Gummy bears or worms? bears
H. Hometown? Beaumont, TX now residing in the sleepy little town of Nederland, a hop, skip and a jump from the crime and misdemeanors of Beaumont
I. Indulgence? Blueberry Watermelon sno-cone; my my how I luv me some sno-cones!
J. January or July? January
K. Kids? 2 -- all boy boys
L. Life isn’t complete without? Sitting on the deck, watching the boys play and swim, making goo-goo eyes at Brent the whole time and both just grinning from ear-to-ear and the whole time the kids keep saying "What? What's so funny? What did I do?" They can be so narcissistic at times, I must say.
M. Marriage date? June 16, 1990
N. Number of brothers & sisters? 1 brother, 5 sisters
O. Oranges or apples? apples (with a little peanut butter or caramel dip, YUM)
P. Phobias? 1. Getting burned alive 2. some horrible accident disfiguring my face 3. Brent going bald 4. constantly worried about my children's safety 5. dying alone in a firey crash, at least if I have to die in a firey crash I'd rather not be alone but not with my children which only leaves one other choice of who should be in the car with me 6. knocking out my front teeth in a teeter-totter accident, or one of the boys knocking out their front teeth or for that matter Brent knocking out his teeth in a teeter-totter accident. I have soooo many phobias I cannot begin to list them all but #7 would have to be: getting held up at gun point in a bank and all of us having to get naked and stare at each other while getting robbed. Is that not the epitome of embarassing situations, I don't care that I would be getting robbed but just having to look at perfect stranger's doodles and do-ma-hickeys, ewww, well, I would have to just gag all over that situation! OK, I think that sums up my top 7 worst phobias. I'll add more as they come to me.
Q. Quotes? “Wrinkles only go where the smiles have been.”-Jimmy Buffett
"If you can remember how many times you kissed your babies today, it wasn't enough." - Me
(I always said that to Liam and Ian from the time they were born, and I still say it today). Of course, they hate when I kiss 'em so now I get the peck on the forehead and big bear hugs.
R. Reasons to smile? 1. When the boys laugh at my stupid stupid jokes and Marianisms 2. When Brent tells me that he cannot believe how much we still love being together and how much fun we still have after 25 years 3. When you can actually see the "light bulb" going on when you explain or teach your child something new. You know, the "ah-ha" moments -- I Love them. 4. Deep conversations late into the night pondering "why" we're all here, nah, just kidding. Unless it's an x-rated conversation I'm probably asleep when Brent starts talking relationships and the "whys" and deep things like that. I always say "I'm not a deep thinker, I'm a deep SLEEPER!" I think it's funny. I think it's hilarious. Brent does not. No, really. About once in a blue moon I'm up for a deep conversation, then I'm happy for awhile. 5. oh yeah, when Ian calls his penis a "doodle." I think that's pretty damn funny. A doodle. A doodle. I had never heard that before it came out of MY child's mouth.
S. Season of choice? Do we have "seasons" in southeast Texas???? Y'all better call me the next time you see one!
T. Tag (nominate) seven others!
U. Unknown fact about me? I have a very special talent that no one knows about... well, maybe one other person. Of course, this is trying to be a clean, family blog so I cannot speak of such things on here. Let's just say, well, it's.... it's.... I'll tell you my next unknown fact about me: I can eat a Reece's cup in 3.8 seconds. Really, I think I still hold the record from fourth grade.
V. Vegetable? Favorite of all time: the zuccini - so phallic, so versatile, so delicious!
W. Worst habits? picking and scratching my head... until it bleeds. yuk. gross. nasty.
X. X-ray or ultrasound? ultrasound
Y. Your favorite food? Asian grilled chicken salad. YUM, especially during the hot summer months.
Z. Zodiac sign? Capricorn
A. Attached or single? Depends, nah, just kiddin. Very Attached and devoted to my sweetie.
B. Best friend? Brent
C. Cake or pie? Brent's chocolate cake! To Die For!
D. Day of choice? Saturday for the busyness of it all; Sunday for the family time.
E. Essential item? I'll agree with Jennifer on CAFFEINE, morning papers, MAC (make-up, not the computer), right now in the wake of Tropical Storm Edouard -- batteries, flashlights, candles and non-perishable food!
F. Favorite color? pink
G. Gummy bears or worms? bears
H. Hometown? Beaumont, TX now residing in the sleepy little town of Nederland, a hop, skip and a jump from the crime and misdemeanors of Beaumont
I. Indulgence? Blueberry Watermelon sno-cone; my my how I luv me some sno-cones!
J. January or July? January
K. Kids? 2 -- all boy boys
L. Life isn’t complete without? Sitting on the deck, watching the boys play and swim, making goo-goo eyes at Brent the whole time and both just grinning from ear-to-ear and the whole time the kids keep saying "What? What's so funny? What did I do?" They can be so narcissistic at times, I must say.
M. Marriage date? June 16, 1990
N. Number of brothers & sisters? 1 brother, 5 sisters
O. Oranges or apples? apples (with a little peanut butter or caramel dip, YUM)
P. Phobias? 1. Getting burned alive 2. some horrible accident disfiguring my face 3. Brent going bald 4. constantly worried about my children's safety 5. dying alone in a firey crash, at least if I have to die in a firey crash I'd rather not be alone but not with my children which only leaves one other choice of who should be in the car with me 6. knocking out my front teeth in a teeter-totter accident, or one of the boys knocking out their front teeth or for that matter Brent knocking out his teeth in a teeter-totter accident. I have soooo many phobias I cannot begin to list them all but #7 would have to be: getting held up at gun point in a bank and all of us having to get naked and stare at each other while getting robbed. Is that not the epitome of embarassing situations, I don't care that I would be getting robbed but just having to look at perfect stranger's doodles and do-ma-hickeys, ewww, well, I would have to just gag all over that situation! OK, I think that sums up my top 7 worst phobias. I'll add more as they come to me.
Q. Quotes? “Wrinkles only go where the smiles have been.”-Jimmy Buffett
"If you can remember how many times you kissed your babies today, it wasn't enough." - Me
(I always said that to Liam and Ian from the time they were born, and I still say it today). Of course, they hate when I kiss 'em so now I get the peck on the forehead and big bear hugs.
R. Reasons to smile? 1. When the boys laugh at my stupid stupid jokes and Marianisms 2. When Brent tells me that he cannot believe how much we still love being together and how much fun we still have after 25 years 3. When you can actually see the "light bulb" going on when you explain or teach your child something new. You know, the "ah-ha" moments -- I Love them. 4. Deep conversations late into the night pondering "why" we're all here, nah, just kidding. Unless it's an x-rated conversation I'm probably asleep when Brent starts talking relationships and the "whys" and deep things like that. I always say "I'm not a deep thinker, I'm a deep SLEEPER!" I think it's funny. I think it's hilarious. Brent does not. No, really. About once in a blue moon I'm up for a deep conversation, then I'm happy for awhile. 5. oh yeah, when Ian calls his penis a "doodle." I think that's pretty damn funny. A doodle. A doodle. I had never heard that before it came out of MY child's mouth.
S. Season of choice? Do we have "seasons" in southeast Texas???? Y'all better call me the next time you see one!
T. Tag (nominate) seven others!
U. Unknown fact about me? I have a very special talent that no one knows about... well, maybe one other person. Of course, this is trying to be a clean, family blog so I cannot speak of such things on here. Let's just say, well, it's.... it's.... I'll tell you my next unknown fact about me: I can eat a Reece's cup in 3.8 seconds. Really, I think I still hold the record from fourth grade.
V. Vegetable? Favorite of all time: the zuccini - so phallic, so versatile, so delicious!
W. Worst habits? picking and scratching my head... until it bleeds. yuk. gross. nasty.
X. X-ray or ultrasound? ultrasound
Y. Your favorite food? Asian grilled chicken salad. YUM, especially during the hot summer months.
Z. Zodiac sign? Capricorn
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