stay sweet and happy
stay sweet and happy
My baby, my sweet little innocent baby is turning 13 today. We cannot believe it. Not only does it make me sad, it makes me wish he was just so little again and I could rock him to sleep every night and make everything better for him. He is 13 going on 30 and I am not kidding. Brent and I are just amazed at how fast time flies by (when you're having fun) I guess. He's so little for his age but he's growing. He's actually grown about two inches since the end of the school year last year and he now weighs 75 pounds. Yeah, we made it to the mid-70# mark before high school. Bad thing is the little fart eats night and day. He eats more than my friends 12-13 year olds who tower over Liam. He loves being little and fast. He loves track and being the fastest kid on his soccer team. He is so funny with the "being fast" and yet in everyday life he moves sooo slow. He talks slow, he eats slow, he walks slow. He is never in a hurry. Unless he's playing soccer or running. Some days I'll call him a sloth and tell him I'm going to have to mount a camera on him just to make sure he is moving when we fast forward it. I guess it will only get worse as the teenage attitude is starting to rear its ugly head. But in his case I'll say damn cute little head if you ask me, but then again, I am his mom. His friend at school is 5'10" and weighs 175 pounds. Can you imagine what they look like hanging around together? LOL That's almost as big as Brent!
So today is his birthday and we have a soccer game out of town at 4pm so I'm trying to do this really quickly so we can load up and leave. Then we're having dinner at his favorite seafood place and doing cake and ice cream. He really wanted an IPOD touch for his birthday and we kept saying no, no, no but guess what he got. YUP, we broke down the other night at the mall and got it for him. Hey, he's a good kid, says yes ma'am and no ma'am and makes straight A's in honors classes. I think the kid deserved it and so did his daddy. He was so happy. I told him we'd give him some $ and let him pick out his own gift and I could see the disappointment in his eyes. So I guess the surprise this morning was all the more better because he had no idea he was actually getting one. He said he knew he'd get it for Christmas if he didn't get it for his birthday. I hate when they're right all the time.
Anyway, doing the hurricane clean-up crap day after day and whittling my way through major cleansing of clutter. Actually broke down and got new cell phones the other night so now Brent and I can write nasty texts back and forth to each other. That's what we did last night when we took the kiddos to Chili's for supper. Drank margaritas, ate chips and salsa and sent nasty texts back and forth. The boys were just laughing and talking and had no clue we were texting each other. In fact, Liam said it was rude for me to ignore his daddy. We just started laughing because it was our little secret. Came home and set up the birthday table with all the decorations I bought for Liam and it turned out really cute, of course we waited until he went to bed. I know he thinks it's a babyish thing but I told him to indulge me and act happy about it. No one else will see it! (just everyone who sees it on here!) I'll try and download one of the pics from early this morning. We woke him up at 5:30 to open his presents and blow out the candles on his cookie just to indulge me before Brent and Ian went to work on his uncle's property that had hurricane damage also. Take care, have a good weekend. Waiting on adjusters and waiting.... and waiting.... and waiting. I guess that's the name of the game. Ciao!
Happy Belated Birthday!
And a special congratulations to you mama for getting him to his 13th bday.
It's a big job.
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