This is kind of jumping around today... I don't have a lot of time because I've been goofing off all morning so now I have to get all my stuff done and supper started and laundry and, well, you get the idea all within the next two hours so I'll be humping and working my arse off to get it all done before I leave at 2:30pm to pick up all the kiddos. Sometimes it's just that way, you know, you can't get going and end up talking on the phone and playing on the internet and answering emails while everything around you suffers. I promise I'll be good tomorrow. And I get to work at the shop so we're putting out some of our jewelry so I'm excited about that. I'll let you know how it goes.

First things first: I found this quote this morning and I wanted Brent to be sure and read it. Whether it be today, tomorrow or whenever he happens upon my blog again, I want him to read this and know that this is who we are.
- A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, one of them will fall for the other, maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe, just maybe...forever" ~Unknown

Fireproof is out on DVD today. I haven't made it to Target yet to pick it up but it's on my list for this week. I think I'll get it today and watch it tomorrow without Brent first to see exactly what's it is all about. But I dunno, I digress. I will have to ponder that.... any suggestions? Should I watch it first or should we watch it together first??
OK. So on with what I have proof of, what really exists .... and it's effin scary.
This is proof that what lurks inside our bodies can be very harmful, just by now washing our hands regularly: Brain-Eating Worm - And the boys never believed me that things like this happen. Guess what they'll both be watching when they get home from school today? Nothing like a Scared Straight video to help things along, albeit in a little bit of a different direction!! LOL
My friend sent me this and it totally freaked me out. So now I think I have one. I think it's what contributing to my being tired all the time, not listening when my kids tell me something, skipping from one thought to another, one project to another, getting bored easily -- oh wait, that's right about a year and a half ago I caught my nephew's ADHD. I guess I could also just as easily catch the brain-eating worm. Just thinking about it is making me sick. I can't shake it. I am totally grossed out. On a lighter note, I was really happy to see this woman get back to her life and her family.
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