Like cooking, cleaning, calling electricians on bids for some work, organizing school materials for project due on Friday, getting basketball uniforms together which means cleaning out the car to find half of Ian's uniform since we ran errands after we left the game. You know, the boring, mundane things like that. So let's start with Menu Planning Monday! We did it last week but actually I didn't make the salisbury steaks because Brent was on overtime so I made chicken-n-dumplings for the boys since they really seem to like them and it was just throwing it all together in a pot then still being able to bring them to CCD and practices and do the usual errands anyway. So I sat down with them yesterday and this is what we came up with for this week:
onday: Pulled Pork BBQ sandwiches, dirty rice, yams.
Pork tenderloin leftover from yesterday that we stuffed with Italian sausage which was so disgusting that no one ate it so I hope they'll go for the pulled port bbq sandwiches instead.

Pork tenderloin leftover from yesterday that we stuffed with Italian sausage which was so disgusting that no one ate it so I hope they'll go for the pulled port bbq sandwiches instead.
Tuesday: Cabbage Cacciatore
Meeting at church for Ian's First Communion at 6pm so this will be ready and warming in the oven for when we get back. It is just like lasagna but instead of using the pasta, you use the raw cabbage to separate the layers. Well, I don't use any cheeses except mozzarella. It is delicious and all my boys will eat it until they get sick.
Meeting at church for Ian's First Communion at 6pm so this will be ready and warming in the oven for when we get back. It is just like lasagna but instead of using the pasta, you use the raw cabbage to separate the layers. Well, I don't use any cheeses except mozzarella. It is delicious and all my boys will eat it until they get sick.
Wednesday: Chicken Enchiladas Verde
Looking for a better recipe than the one I have so if you have one you'd like to share, I'm all about that.
Looking for a better recipe than the one I have so if you have one you'd like to share, I'm all about that.
Thursday: Probably Leftover from the Cabbage Cacciatore and the Chicken Enchiladas
It's basketball practice night and we like to sneak away for some alone time to shop, get coffee, whatever while Ian is busy practicing. I actually look forward to this time with Brent).
It's basketball practice night and we like to sneak away for some alone time to shop, get coffee, whatever while Ian is busy practicing. I actually look forward to this time with Brent).
Friday: Grilled Steaks, Baked Potatoes and Grilled Asparagus. (Maybe a salad too)
I'll probably throw in a salad too but lately we are all about the asparagus. My boys are such asparagus snobs (that's what I call them). They love the fresh asparagus and lately I tried to use canned asparagus thinking they'd never notice a difference, but they ate like one or two then they were all over that with the questions. "Why doesn't it look the same?" "Why is all wilty and tastes different?" Well, I have to say that I agree with them so I guess I'll put fresh asparagus back on my life, although sometimes it seems too hard to me. But whatever.
On to the prayer for today from Sandra. I hope you enjoy this prayer and jump on the blog train to Pray for Our Husbands this month.
On to the prayer for today from Sandra. I hope you enjoy this prayer and jump on the blog train to Pray for Our Husbands this month.
Day 2
Pray that your husband’s relationship with God and His Word will bear fruit in his life. Pray that he will be a man of wisdom and understanding, fearing the Lord. (Prov. 3:7, 9:10; Ps. 112:1)
OK, so the posts I wanted to get up are done, but I still have a ton of things to get done around here before the monsters get home and destroy it all! We have a project to work on (let me rephrase it to "they" meaning Ian and his daddy. He gets the fun, artsy fartsy part of the project making the diorama, and I get the research, making complete sentences, with a reference sheet) tonight so I have to hunt down the needed materials while Ian is at school today. He told me to "be sure and go to Walmart" so I guess I'll try there first. Not to mention I really need to get some shopping done so I get everything I need for this week's menu. I am the world's worse about not knowing what to cook, and it's an hour past the time we usually eat! So this has really helped me hunker down and get in a more productive mood last week. I think the boys liked knowing what we were having as I posted the menu on the refrigerator and every day Ian would get in and take a look at it. It was so funny because there was nothing written for Saturday or Sunday of this past week so he told me to just make sure I put something there like Taco Bell or pizza rolls. I agreed it was a good idea. Well, the busy day calls and I have yet to get ready for public viewing. Have a good week! Ciao.
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