AWWW I don't have any pictures because I was leaving but Brent came up to Tricia's car Saturday with a 4 foot water moccasin hanging from this hoe/weed thing that had prongs. It was deader than a doornail because Ian shot it about five times with his pellet gun but it was about 4 foot long and was pretty fat. It looked like it had just eaten something. Anyway, Tricia and I left and Brent allowed the boys to dissect it and Liam took out its little heart while it was still beating! Isn't that just the grossest thing? It is to me. Anyway, Sunday morning we were walking around looking at some stuff and plants and in the bottom weedy things of the lemon tree (that I love dearly and have babied through Hurricane Ike) was another friggin' snake. Brent grabbed a hoe and chopped its head off! Then later in the day Ian and my little neighbors were close to their pond and they killed a baby snake that came out of the pond with a metal toy truck. Ian said he told them they had to kill it or it would just grow up and bite them. So these three little boys are chasing down this baby snake that was about 4 inches long. So I guess Ian really doesn't play when it comes to snakes since he has already been bitten by a copperhead when he was two years old and we evacuated for another hurricane. ARGH!!
OK, and I forgot to tell ya that Ian won an IPOD at school on the last day. He was super excited and I promised him we'd download a lot of stuff this week. I'll have to be choosy but he has an mp3 player that has a lot of country songs and some Kid Songs cd's on there so I may just try and transfer those soon for him. So tomorrow Ian is off to summer rec for three hours then we are signing up for swim lessons. Liam has some game he's been dying for that comes out tomorrow so I promised him that for keeping a 98 average in all his classes this year. I have to keep my end of the bargain since he kept his and he wants a mic for the xbox. Yup, his second mic because it seems when he went to a gaming party in March a kid that has since been booted off to his dad's house in Florida because his mom couldn't control him walked off with two of Liam's controllers, his mic for his xbox and his memory card. I'm the type of mom who questions stuff that turns up at my house, although I have never let a child walk out of here without all the crap they came in with. So I told him he had to use his own money to replace the controllers (which he did) and that we'd get the mic and the game he wants. So, just thought I'd add some stuff I forgot earlier.
Have a great week, pray for your family, and remember to reconnect with that special someone in your life, even your kids. We take the boys individually a lot of times to just hang out or do stuff and let them know how special they are as a person, not just as the younger/older brother. I tell my boys every day how special they are to me, to us, and I hope you do the same. At baseball we heard a foster dad saying some pretty mean and rough things to his foster son and Liam started cheering for the little dude and we all started saying things that were positive to this child because to hear a grown man cut down a child when they just struck out and feel like crap anyway is just horrible. I cannot believe the state allows people like THAT to foster these little fellows. Anyway, at the end of the game Liam told him what a good job he did and he was just grinning from ear to ear. So no matter what that old nasty slob tells that child for the rest of the night, he's going to remember what our son said to him and that is all that counts. :)
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