Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Don't Fret: Christmas is Coming Whether Or Not I Change My Background, It Has To, It's Inevitable, Right?

OK, so don't make fun of me for keeping my pumpkin background. Working on changing it but once again, that would require a concrete decision-making process that I am incapable of committing to at this point in my life. I guess I'm secretly hoping if I don't change my theme, Christmas will just lay in limbo, no such luck though. I LOVE Christmas. It is my favorite holiday. Just watching the boys light up on Christmas morning is worth all the blood, sweat and tears we have to endure during the shopping but ... but... each year it gets harder and harder to top the last. We're going to try but they already have basically what they want, so I guess I have to get a little creative this year. I hope Santa brings me the IPHONE but I know he's not going to because "we're not in the AT&T plan." I cannot believe Santa knew where I had my plan. That was surprising in itself! Plus, let's give the pumpkin/fall theme a little extra time, as Christmas stuff has been out since mid-October totally disrespecting the theme of fall and Thanksgiving. OK, so I went off on a rant for no apparent reason ... well, the reason is how lazy I am and refuse to commit to figuring it out again. The more crap I add to my blog the harder it is to write the HTML codes for the new background. Learning as I go so be patient. Posting this on the road so I don't have time to figure it all out right now anyway.

Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was great, ours definitely was fun. We went out of town and spent the holiday with my sister. She takes good care of us and we did a little shopping Friday. Brent and brother-in-law went on an excursion with the boys to a state park and they really enjoyed that. They brought back a bunch of sugar cane they've been sucking on all week so I have to make sure they brush their teeth twice as much as usual. I secretly went and threw out a bunch of it when the trash came yesterday so hopefully that'll be the end of that.

Listening to an all Christmas radio station to get in the mood of the festivities of the holidays. Trying not to dread the idea of presents, decisions, wrapping, decorating, family get-togethers and friends stopping by. Could I be any more anti-social today?? I don't think so, then again I am PMSing so I could really give a shit anyway. Kansas City Railroad has a decorated traveling train coming through tonight so we're going to take the boys, in between soccer (yes, still) and CCD. That should be fun, trying to get that in between 4-5:30pm. Last year we waited in line for over an hour to hopefully we'll make it in time.

Soccer playoffs are this weekend in the Austin area so that should be fun. My friends are going to Natchitoches, LA and I want to go and bring the boys to see all the lights there. They have a huge fireworks display this weekend but once again, soccer is invading my life and changing our life plans. Not really, but it sounded good. I hate that soccer, for the last two years, has invaded into our Christmas holidays. It needs to finish up sooner so we can go to play-offs and be done before the Thanksgiving holiday. It gets so hectic and to have that on top of it makes it that more unbearable.

We also have two projects for school to work on so I guess we'll each take a kid and try and get it done. What are these freakin teachers thinking? Don 't they have lives? Oh yeah, they do because they lay on the work on the parents to do the homework with the kids that they should have been taught in the classroom that day. Let's not go there. On with that........... I'll try and do another post later when I work on my Christmas theme, but it will probably be in the wee hours of the morning. Ciao!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Getting Back To Normal

Brent made it home nice and safe. My God we missed him. Both boyz started crying as soon as they saw their daddy. He snuck up on Ian at his school and when Ian saw him he just did not know what to do. Then Brent picked him up and they hugged for like ten minutes, and Ian was crying the whole time and rubbing his daddy's face, like he couldn't believe he was actually there. He was soooo happy! I started crying just watching them. Liam pretty much had the same reaction. He's a little more subdued with his feelings but we could definitely tell he was happy. We had a great day and then picked them up from school. I started crying when he walked in the house Friday. He looked so tired and worn out, but he did whatever those boys wanted him to do Friday night. He really missed us and we could tell. I fixed the ice-maker while he was gone so he was really proud of me. It would not drop the ice it was making and I was actually trying to figure out the problem and fix it properly, but I got so pissed off I just beat it into submission. It popped in and then a few hours later I heard the ice drop. YEAH, I did it. I fixed it. He couldn't believe it. We started a major painting job, renovations and any other crap we could dig up starting Saturday afternoon. Went to Lowe's to look around and ended up finding really pretty paint colors for the hall, den, dining room, kitchen. The hall is completed and looks great. It's hard to believe what a little hard work and paint can do for a hallway makeover. Took out the bookcases and it looks a lot bigger so I need to have a gigantic book sale. The books are oozing out of our bookcases, closets, boxes. Anywhere you can find some space, I guarantee you there are books in there too! The color in the dining room is a really olive tone, but we were going to faux paint all the walls with the color and glaze, but we liked the color by itself so much we're going to leave it that way and just faux one wall in the den. I cannot wait! Brent is working so hard. I picked out a new dining room furniture, I know, I know, it's a little premature but when the time comes I'll know exactly which one to go get.

We're getting the hell out of dodge for Thanksgiving. Couldn't bear the idea of having and doing the same ole, same ole, so we are heading to my sisters in Lafayette. She takes cares of me and it'll be fun shopping early Friday with her. Brent wanted to stay at the beach cabin because he knew in May he wanted to get away for the holidays, but I at least want the boys to be with some family and have a traditional dinner. We have different opinions on what the holidays should consist of, but I can't blame him. He wants to make our own traditions. Tradition - reminds me of the song on "Fiddler on the Roof." One of my daddy's favorite movies. My daddy loved that movie and would walk around our house singing "Tradition, tradition..." I don't know the words but you get the idea! Daddy's birthday would fall on Thanksgiving Day this year. I'm glad we'll be away so I can not think about that part of it. I'll think about that when the boys go back to school next week. You know, that's the weird thing about me. I call it my "Scarlett O'Hara" ability to "think about that tomorrow." Remember at the very end when Scarlett says she'll think about Rhett leaving her tomorrow. Well, when I decide I don't want to think about something and then say I'll think about it on such and such day, then it always comes back on that day. I guess I can pretty much rationalize and wish away anything. I've done wonders with it for this many years. When a family member or somebody pisses me off and I'm in the middle of something I'll say to myself: "Can't be bothered with it now. I'll think about it when I'm in the bathtub (or in the car, or cooking)." See, it's pretty easy. You can do it too. Probably not exactly great for my mental health, but hell, nothing really ever is, is it???

I already have a few items for the boys on our list. Each year it's so hard to top the last and make sure they get what they want. I think we've got the big items on the list, it's just all the other stuff that's hard to figure out. Oh well, I guess I'll think about that tomorrow. See.... it works.

OH yeah, by the way ... I have slept sooooo much better since Brent's been back. I really don't understand it but I definitely sleep harder and did not wake up once during the night since he's been back. I guess it's that I subconsciously know he'll protect us if anything happens, whereas when he's not here, I know I have to be on guard to protect the boys. That's kind of weird. Or I guess it could be that good lovin' -- who knows but I like it. I've been well rested and in a much better mood these last several days. He's taking the boys night fishing tonight so if they catch anything I'll try and post a pic -- if I can find the cord to my camera!! Ciao.

Friday, November 16, 2007


Today's the big day! I cannot wait to see my sweetie. I cannot wait to see the look on the boys' faces when they see him after school. It's a been a wild ride but we made it. I just thank God everyday we did, because if I know anything for sure -- it's sucks trying to do it all by yourself. I don't have anyone to call at a moment's notice to watch them so I can attend a meeting or run a quick errand or just take them off my hands for a few hours, and I guess that's the part that sucks. But oh well, it is what is is. I guess now that it's finally coming to an end I can have a little pity party. OHHH, Whoa is me! OK, glad I got that off my chest. Isn't that annoying?

Had lunch with Ian today and he was so cute, and really happy that I brought him Wendy's as promised. Who knew? -- a kid in his class sitting across from us proceeded to tell everyone at the table that his teenage brother just got kicked out of their house by the step-dad and his mom was mad at his sister because her boyfriend spent the night "in her bed." So it goes down like this:

Me: "Well, how old is she?"
Kid: "14."

WTF???????? OK, now that's ridiculous. At this point you have to ask yourself "What the hell is going on in that house?" My son turned to me and said:

Ian: "Why did they get mad because her boyfriend was in her bed?"
Me: "Because he doesn't live there." CASE CLOSED

I don't know if that was the best response, but that conversation took an abrupt turn when I asked who was going hunting over the holiday. I had to laugh about it later because you definitely have to watch out for what your children see, and say, and just hope and pray they don't air your dirty laundry out in public for everyone to judge and scrutinize. I guess I'll hit the hay; have a couple of appointments tomorrow to try and look presentable for my husband.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Special Request

The countdown has begun. Will Brent make it home before the kids get out of school tomorrow? I really, really hope so. I've missed him so much and I want him to pick up the boys with me so we can watch the look on their faces. They think he's coming home Saturday so we're trying to keep it out little secret. I cannot wait. Not too much going on. No cooking --probably only twice in the last two weeks. That's horrible. But we ate a lot of soup and salads and if we did stop for fast food, they could only get salad stuff with a grilled chicken sandwich or something like that. So, it's hasn't been greasy and fried the whole time. Having lunch with my baby boy today for their Thanksgiving feast at school. We hate the turkey spam they try and serve them so I boycotted it several years ago. So I asked him what he wanted most today in the whole world for lunch and I'd get it. He said Wendy's Frosty, salad and chicken nuggets. I thought well, OK, he just added the salad to make sure he gets the other stuff. But I agreed so I get to run across town to fetch his request. Cleaning, tidying and folding mounds of clean clothes today. It's been a little lax around here lately but now it's time to take care of business. I'll post later when I have more time. Ciao!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Toshi & Maxx

Over the weekend my little sister and my nephew came over and we had a slumber party. Well, after a full day of soccer and soccer parties it was now time to entertain TOSHI. WTF? Yeah, if anybody knows me they know I don't like animals. No, it's not that I don't like them. I don't have time to play foo-foo with a 2 pound dog. He's not even really a dog, he's more of an oversized vermin. He's a yorkie and he is sooo spoiled. First of all, I don't allow animals in our house. Our own dog has only been in when she spent two days cooped up in the bathroom when we adopted her and she had been fixed so I felt sorry for her. Ivey sleeps in the garage at night and she's well taken care of, but she does not come in the house. Well, except for when she lived in here during the hurricane. But Brent was stressed and I was four hours away so what was I going to say? But Toshi, oh Toshi, Toshi, Toshi. He doesn't know it yet but we'll be going to fist city pretty soon. I told my sister he was going to be sleeping that night (as in sleeping with the fishies). She didn't think it was too funny but we did. Three of us, well four, including Toshi, slept in my bed that night. He stayed on the bed all night and didn't move too much or else we would have heard that stupid bell around his neck. I slept pretty good but I think Toshi just laid there and stared at me, wondering what my next move was going to be. I'm sure he thought I had something sinister up my sleeve, but I really didn't. I always tell Tricia "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too," so I'm kind of surprised she slept at all. All in all, I have to make sure everything is washed and cleaned before Brent gets back and there are no traces of Toshi. Although I did tell her he needs his voice box removed because that yip-yap dog barking is soooo annoying.

We had fun and made s'mores. The boys stayed up all night playing Halo 3 and Madden or whatever. I watched the complete 2nd season of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." That show is sooo funny. I'm usually pretty picky about what shows appeal to my sense of humor, but this one is sooooooo RUTHLESS. They attack everything, politically incorrect or not. I guess that's why I find it so funny. If you haven't checked it out, do so -- you may think it's as funny as we do.

See, the boys understand my humor towards animals. I really do like dogs (not cats, highly allergic) but I feel we can't be the "perfect" owners and wouldn't take care of an indoor pet properly. Don't even get me started on the fiasco with the two "female" hamsters. Well, about a month later my two females had 14 babies. 14. Liam thought she was getting sick and throwing up and out came the babies. BLOP, BLOP BLOP. I was running around the house screaming and called my neighbor to see if I should bring them to the vet. Then I got a hold of myself and I was like "nope, not gonna happen." Needless to say, my sister in Louisiana took them off our hands after the babies kept disappearing (don't even ask where they are because I have no idea). She brought them with her and her husband let all of them go in the woods behind their house. Yup, gone, just like that. But she did have two hamsters that she loved dearly, Thibodeaux and Boudreaux. Well, one went blind and one had tumors after she took them to the vet to find out what was wrong. She cried. I laughed. How can you get attached to a freakin' hamster? I just don't have the molecular make-up for that. However, my boys and Brent may disagree. Recently, Maxx, our 5 year old, very big oscar got sick in his tank and was growing these things all over his head and his eyes began bulging out of his head. I thought he had hypothyroidism -- I'm not even sure a fish has a thyroid -- but Brent was adamant that he had an incurable fish disease. I wanted to call the fish guy in town or bring him down the street to a vet but Brent thought he'd do better if we released him into a pond full of really big bass, catfish and gators. Oh yeah, great idea! I, on the other hand, felt this murderous act was disrespectful to Maxx, as he had been a really good fish for all these years. So, after work Brent took a 5 gallon bucket and scoops him up. Maxx literally filled it up. He was so long and really fat! He didn't seem that big in the tank. Well, they loaded him on the four-wheeler and took him to the pond to get it over with. I was a little pissed. For two days I had been meticulously staring at his tank because Brent told me that his eyes were bulging out so much that they literally could pop out of his head and float off, well, that was too exciting to miss. So you can imagine my disappointment when he carries off the x-large fish, eyes intact. You know, for once just let me witness something really gross. Something I'll have bad dreams about for weeks. Something that will forever change the way I eat my friends from the sea. But noooo, off they go. So Ian and I were talking about what was happening and he started crying ... and then I felt this salty substance squeak ever so slightly out of the corner of my eye. I sniffled. He reacted. "Momma, are YOU crying?" I explained to him that I felt like Maxx was part of the family and how much I was going to miss watching him eat crawfish, lizards, crickets, roaches, and anything else we'd feed to him. He would literally jump out of the tank and eat it from Brent's hands when it was feeding time. Well, when they came back about a half hour later, Liam was totally crushed, emotional, crying and sobbing. It was sooo sad. But we all had a good cry, we said a fond farewell to our good friend, and promised we'd get some bass to put in the tank soon. Ciao!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Question & Answers

Question #1:

UMMM, ok, at what point in your relationship/marriage is it ok to fart during sex and never skip a beat/hump/thrust?



Question #2:

UMMM, ok, why do I say UMMM so much?


It's a stall tactic because your question is so extremely boring and stupid I'm trying not to show my angst and disgust to you. Stupid, stupid little man ... get with the program. And I write it a lot when I'm in conversation because I like hitting the "m" soooo much. You see, I think it's the beginning of a mental disorder. I'll name it "Repeater Syndrome." See, I did it with the "soooo" on this line and I did not even realize it. I know, it's a vicious cycle. I can just see my future: "Hello, UMMM, my name is Marian and I'm, UMMM, a repeater."

Question #3:

Why do people I do not even know get under my skin and make it crawl?


I'm a very intolerant person. I'm intolerant of others idiosyncrasies, except of course mine, my husband's and my children; other than that it's just annoying and at no point does it ever become "cute" with me. And get this ... some people are just ugly. They are as ugly on the inside as they are on the outside. People always feel so sorry for old people because, well, because they're freakin old. Well, get this people, I'm on to them. They are not going to use their age to get away with murder (and they d0). I have heard more old women say mean thing than I've ever heard from any other age group. They think because they are old they can say whatever is on their mind. So, I'm on to them. From now on I will say what's on my mind before I get old so no one can say "Bless her heart, she's just old." Nah, give it up. I'm going to say them because I'm mean, not old, just mean. And then when I do get old they can say "Nah, she's been like that for years."

Question #4:

Why do I feel I can rant on here and say all these things I know I'm never actually going to say to anyone?


Because I can.

Question #5:

What up with question #1?


Just wondering.
OK, here's something for my ADD. Our bookstore (Barnes & Noble) has a, ummm, let's say "little person" i.e. midget, working there. OK, that freaks us all out. My little one loves to see her and comes running all around the bookstore to find me to tell me "I found her." Then when I see her I get all excited and have to go find my other child, my nephew, my sister, and then we're all standing there just staring. We need to get a life right? Right. Let's get this straight, we do not seek her out to make fun or ridicule but to make a comparison. See, my sister is 4'9" and she thinks she's normal. I, on the other hand, believe she is freakishly short and stubby and scares most people. She finds this other person cute, yet so freakishly mesmerizing, because she's only maybe 2 inches taller!! I believe it's the whole oxymoron because one is "classified" as a Little Person and one is classified as "freakishly short and stubby" in my book.

Friday, November 9, 2007

The BEE Movie Sucked

Just got back from taking Ian to see The Bee Movie. Yeah, can ya hear the excitement in my voice? We met a friend and her little girl there so that made it much more bearable for me. I found the movie to be boring and stupid. In fact, I was sooo bored I couldn't even sleep. I ALWAYS fall asleep during movies because I have to be still and quiet so naturally if I have to be that bored, I'd just rather sleep. I probably could have had a much needed 20 minute power nap on a Friday evening but nooooo, I was too bored and irritated to sleep. SAVE YOUR MONEY ... it was stupid. Of course, nothing in the animated genre can touch Madagascar as one of my all-time favorite movies. I swear ... and a I swear a lot, that giraffe is my sister. It's like watching her in an animated movie. I laughed so hard when we made the analogy that now every time I watch it it gets funnier and funnier. Anyway, on with that... Only slept maybe 2 hours out of the 4 hours I was in my bed the whole night. We had Fall Festival at Ian's school last night, Liam had soccer and Tricia came over there to meet us. It was OK but I felt like all I did was drive from one end of the city to the other about five times to pick up/drop off; go home; drop off/ pick-up again. It was an endless day and we didn't get home until about 8:30 so I thought for sure I'd be exhausted and fall right to sleep. WRONG. I guess I was just too wound up to settle down. Did a keyword seach on my blog tracker and found out there are sick MF's out there. And I mean it when I say that. So, like everything else in my life, once again I'll have to be sure not to divulge too much identifying information. I'm telling you, there are SICK people out there. But I'm trying not to let that bother me. I really enjoy having this outlet. Anyhow, on with that...................... Ian had a great time at Fall Festival then his auntie had a date with him so they went to Target to get yet another John Deere tractor set. I think I have actually bought the exact same 10 piece set at least twice before and I know she's bought it once before also. But she broke his dragster she bought him over the weekend so instead of having a "glued" dragster, he told her he'd take a new toy from Target. Hmmm, I don't think that decision would be too hard for me either.

Oh yeah, here goes the ADD thing ... this baby at the movies kept crying, and crying, and crying. OH MY GOD! It was soooo annoying. I had children that were that age once and guess what people ... when I didn't have a sitter we didn't go! I would never pay to go to the movies to not be able to enjoy it because of my screaming offspring, or anyone else's for that matter. It is just RUDE. This child was maybe a few months old and to have the poor thing inside that filth-infested theater was just disgusting in itself. When the boys were younger if they couldn't go with us, we didn't go. It was that simple. Everybody has their own lives and we never wanted to wear out a welcome so then we would pay this high schooler to come over and watch them. It was heaven, for awhile. Needless to say, the boys loved her but that was over. We have a really busy weekend so I'm going to bed! Nite.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I'm Bored...

I just learned how to post a playlist here which is sooooo demanding for me. I hate making decisions. All based on the fact that I now think I caught my nephew's ADD! I cannot make a decision without critiquing every little piece of it and I've been jumpy and fidgety. Can you have adult onset ADD or ADHD??? I cannot sit still and I always have to be moving... but my point is that I'm not really complaining, I'm explaining. I LIKE it! I like moving and doing and going and especially now, I think it's my way of keeping soooo busy that I don't realize so it's a kind of coping mechanism I believe. Like when people, let's say the ones I am not particularly fond of talking to, call or something, I suddenly start cleaning the kitchen. It could have just been cleaned, mopped, disinfected and sterilized for all I care, but let the phone ring and me not like the person on the other end and all of a sudden I'm in the kitchen, with my bottle of 409 wiping down the counter, the fridge, the spots on the floor, the coffeemaker, anything so I don't have to think about it. So I guess it's natural that I feel this way when my life is disrupted. Anyway, the whole point of this second post today is to post my playlist. I heard this Anne Murray song on this oldies station a few weeks ago and I just started balling. I don't really know why, but I guess in a way I feel it's very close to my own heart and how I feel about Brent and my boys and our family. I had never heard this song before and he had no idea what I was talking about because I couldn't remember it at the time so now I'm posting so he can listen. I love you sweetie. I have a whole new admiration for the military wives out there who do this a lot more frequently. My love and prayers to you all.

Of course, my playlist includes several songs by my Bobby, although I had to search to find the milder ones. He's not known for having the best language in his songs. Hope you enjoy!

BAD/SAD Mood: I miss Brent.

I don't feel very funny today and I am in a BAD mood. And I'm not even PMSing.

I've been trying to post my blog on different venues so I added it to BlogHer yesterday. I still have to embed their logo on this site but I may not get around to that so I'll just tell you that it's now listed on BlogHer. Maybe I'll start getting more traffic. Looking for feedback -- This is more of a cathartic adventure for me. I've always journaled so now it's just out there for everybody else to read instead of stuck in a bound notebook for archaeologists to find hundreds of years from now and come to the conclusion that people have always been cynical, condescending, sarcastic and sometimes downright mean, and sometimes hilariously funny. See, I do not really care what other people think I should do, say, or write ... I'm going to do, say and write whatever I want. But don't let me know that a certain subject bothers you because then I'll just blog about that all the time. Or I'll blog about you and you'll be reading it and laughing your ass off, not even realizing it's YOU that I'm talking about. Oh gosh I just realized how sad .... and funny that would be at the same time. So, on with that....

Hopefully our school district will pass the standardized dress code (another word for uniforms that they think we're too stupid to figure out) in December. I am praying that it will pass with flying colors. Everyone says it's a done deal, so we'll see. Heard a lot of feedback from parents who say "But they can't MAKE the kids wear them." Wanna bet. "That's just taking away their right to express themselves." Who cares, they are KIDS. I grew up wearing uniforms (really ugly ones I might add) until I was in freakin' high school. So guess what parents. It does not permanently scar your children. It does not permanently inhibit their expressive outlets. It does, however, cut down on the hundreds and hundreds of dollars I spend at the beginning of every school year; the fussing in the morning about what is and is not appropriate to wear to school on a daily basis (like paying $69 bucks for pair of worn out holey Abercrombie jeans only to find out they cannot wear them to school because there is a rule about not wearing any clothing with holes in them and no, I did not read the handbook before we went school shopping this year and yes, he did look absolutely adorable in them). And, and, it DOES give me a small sense of security knowing that the school district is just looking out for the safety of our kids. I do tell my boys that you can express yourself when you are 18 and no longer living under our roof; oh yeah but if we're paying for college I guess you can express yourself when you're 22 and out of college; but then you'll be in the work force and let's face it, no one, not even the best of employers, want you to have full freedom to express yourself. I know sweetie it SUCKS, but as I always say: "Tough titty said the kitty when the milk ran dry." I really don't even know what I mean by it; all I know is that when I say it my darling child rolls his eyes and says "What is that supposed to mean?" to which I respond with "Dunno. I just like all the rhyming and it sounded appropriate." Oh my gosh, that just infuriates him. I'm going to have to remember it more often now that I realize how much it bothers him! I sit here laughing all by myself, now how sad is that ... already laughing at how my child is going to react to my future sarcastic remarks!

Monday, November 5, 2007




P.S. Are you eligible for Medicare and AARP yet?

I LOVE this little turkey... isn't he cute?

Well, Brent's been gone exactly 24 hours and I'm ready for him to come back already. The boys get sooooo upset when he leaves and then we all end up crying and being depressed. So I took them on a free for all to Target to get some much needed, cathartic shopping in. And guess what? It worked. We all felt better after we got there and started looking around. My little sister met us there and we were in there for like three hours. I got a bunch of ideas for Christmas gifts for them and for everyone else I have to buy for. I guess I should have bought the ones for other family members, but I guess that would have taken too much thought. We had fun and really enjoyed the day. Then, Brent calls to say good-night to the boys and it starts all over again. Last time he left I put up a map of where he was at and drew a line between our house and his hotel. Then a put a countdown calendar to how many days he had been gone and each day Ian would get to put an X on that day. It worked well because he could see when it was coming. Well, I haven't done any of that yet because last time it was during the summer and let's face it, I had a lot more time on my hands. Also, he carries around a picture of his daddy whereever he goes. Sometimes it's in his pocket of his shorts or jeans and most of the time it's just laying on the table, in his room or in the car. Then he just stares at it and starts crying. My niece did not believe me but over the summer she got to see first hand what I was talking about. It was so sad and I got all teary-eyed just watching him. OK, now on with that!


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Let's see. I don't post for like over a week and then now I'm all over it. Guess that's my ADD kicking in AGAIN. So, purchased the cookbook and read it cover to cover. Seems like a great concept to get the kiddos to eat more veggies but frankly, I don't know if I would eat half of the recipes that are in there. I'm going to try a few while my hubby's out of town for over TWO WHOLE WEEKS so I'll post and let y'all know if any of them actually taste good. It just seems like the kids would be able to taste the beets and carrots and spinach that you can add to the brownies. I don't know, maybe it's ME. I'm looking for a new steamer for the veggies because basically you need a steamer, a food processor and freezer bags. It really seems that simple! Now back to the fact that my best friend and confidante is going on a temporary assignment for training and will be gone for two weeks makes the boys and I very sad. Ian started crying when I told him after school yesterday and would not let go of his daddy last night while we we out doing the Halloween festivities. He is attached to his daddy at the hip. I'm not happy but like we say "you gotta do what you gotta do." Plus, it'll be good for his career advancements to have all this under his belt now. He just received a monetary award as recognition for his hard work so it's really paying off. He'll be back the Monday before Thanksgiving so that will make this year even more special because he'll be off all week with the boys. OK, so how many of you have big plans to see The Bee Movie this weekend. EWWW me too Can't WAIT! not. Anyway, I do have some adult movies I want to see but I guess that's on the backburner until Brent gets back home. My heart already hurts. I'll stay busy and I've got a lot going on at the school with our Thanksgiving activities and our Fall Festival is November 9th so my little one is looking forward to that. Well, Ciao for now. Take a long, hot, bubbly bath, drink a glass of wine, light the candles, turn on the radio/cd/ipod, and REPLENISH the soul. You know you need it.

Oh, and wish me luck. I'm going to call CALGON and tell them I'm suing for FALSE ADVERTISEMENT. I tried it, it didn't work. It didn't freakin take me away.... they were still passing me notes and broken pencils under the door!!!

Halloween Grid-Lock??

Who'd a thunk it?? In our little ole town, in a small residential area where EVERYBODY goes to actually trick-or-treat, we get stuck in a gridlocked traffic jam. It was too funny. We were actually trying to leave the area because we were spent and exhausted and, on the way out, people had started parking IN THE ROAD. So as others were trying to go around the parked vehicles, it created this jam that we sat in for over 35 minutes. My hubby and another PTA mom's husband got out to direct traffic and ask people to back up or we'd be sitting in this cluster +++ all night and guess what, they'd back up and turn around and as soon as they did, somebody else would pull up into that space. It was hopeless.... so we all just sat there until somebody decided to start the ball rolling and start backing out AGAIN!!! One little old grandma would not back up so that lane was still sitting there half an hour later. I have never seen such a thing. I know we talk about people from other countries speaking English but PLEASE people, if you cannot speak English, maybe you cannot read the sign that said "NO PARKING THIS SIDE." AAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! It was so frustrating. While my husband was asking people to please start backing up this lady about ten cars back walks up yelling "I have to get into my home! I have to get into my HOME NOW!!" And he was so calm. I would have told her SOMETHING along the lines of "no shit lady me too!" Good thing I wasn't standing outside. She made a fool out of herself and then two other moms got out of their cars which were full of crying trick-or-treaters and start yelling at somebody else calling them an idiot. I was like NO WAY, we're going to get to see two middle-aged PTA moms go to fist city. And guess what ... I was on the front row. I really needed some popcorn for this show. My 12 year old and 7 year old were cracking up. We were sitting in our car talking about all of them and how stupid they looked and how they were making asses out of themselves. It was quite memorable. We had taken the boys to some church activities and had fun there and decided to go to my friend's neighborhood where everybody said they were going to go trick-or-treating, which, let's face it, not too many people do that anymore. But it was fun and there were kids and families everywhere. Well, actually too many. People were rude and by the time we made it over to their grandparent's house, we were exhausted. The boys had half of their costumes off and were just laying on their floor and couches trying to go to sleep. So, needless to say, it was pretty eventful. They'll talk about that for days. I would have bet $20 on the Amazon mom whipping ass all over town with the west end Wanda! But Brent said "Nah, the little one works out, she could take her." Well, maybe next year they'll finish what they started this year. I just HOPE I have front row again. Too exciting! I'll try and include some pics when I decide to hook up my camera and download them. Ian was a dirt bike racer in full gear, including helmet and Liam went as Rob Zombie. They looked pretty cool.