I've been trying to post my blog on different venues so I added it to BlogHer yesterday. I still have to embed their logo on this site but I may not get around to that so I'll just tell you that it's now listed on BlogHer. Maybe I'll start getting more traffic. Looking for feedback -- This is more of a cathartic adventure for me. I've always journaled so now it's just out there for everybody else to read instead of stuck in a bound notebook for archaeologists to find hundreds of years from now and come to the conclusion that people have always been cynical, condescending, sarcastic and sometimes downright mean, and sometimes hilariously funny. See, I do not really care what other people think I should do, say, or write ... I'm going to do, say and write whatever I want. But don't let me know that a certain subject bothers you because then I'll just blog about that all the time. Or I'll blog about you and you'll be reading it and laughing your ass off, not even realizing it's YOU that I'm talking about. Oh gosh I just realized how sad .... and funny that would be at the same time. So, on with that....
Hopefully our school district will pass the standardized dress code (another word for uniforms that they think we're too stupid to figure out) in December. I am praying that it will pass with flying colors. Everyone says it's a done deal, so we'll see. Heard a lot of feedback from parents who say "But they can't MAKE the kids wear them." Wanna bet. "That's just taking away their right to express themselves." Who cares, they are KIDS. I grew up wearing uniforms (really ugly ones I might add) until I was in freakin' high school. So guess what parents. It does not permanently scar your children. It does not permanently inhibit their expressive outlets. It does, however, cut down on the hundreds and hundreds of dollars I spend at the beginning of every school year; the fussing in the morning about what is and is not appropriate to wear to school on a daily basis (like paying $69 bucks for pair of worn out holey Abercrombie jeans only to find out they cannot wear them to school because there is a rule about not wearing any clothing with holes in them and no, I did not read the handbook before we went school shopping this year and yes, he did look absolutely adorable in them). And, and, it DOES give me a small sense of security knowing that the school district is just looking out for the safety of our kids. I do tell my boys that you can express yourself when you are 18 and no longer living under our roof; oh yeah but if we're paying for college I guess you can express yourself when you're 22 and out of college; but then you'll be in the work force and let's face it, no one, not even the best of employers, want you to have full freedom to express yourself. I know sweetie it SUCKS, but as I always say: "Tough titty said the kitty when the milk ran dry." I really don't even know what I mean by it; all I know is that when I say it my darling child rolls his eyes and says "What is that supposed to mean?" to which I respond with "Dunno. I just like all the rhyming and it sounded appropriate." Oh my gosh, that just infuriates him. I'm going to have to remember it more often now that I realize how much it bothers him! I sit here laughing all by myself, now how sad is that ... already laughing at how my child is going to react to my future sarcastic remarks!

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