Well, Brent's been gone exactly 24 hours and I'm ready for him to come back already. The boys get sooooo upset when he leaves and then we all end up crying and being depressed. So I took them on a free for all to Target to get some much needed, cathartic shopping in. And guess what? It worked. We all felt better after we got there and started looking around. My little sister met us there and we were in there for like three hours. I got a bunch of ideas for Christmas gifts for them and for everyone else I have to buy for. I guess I should have bought the ones for other family members, but I guess that would have taken too much thought. We had fun and really enjoyed the day. Then, Brent calls to say good-night to the boys and it starts all over again. Last time he left I put up a map of where he was at and drew a line between our house and his hotel. Then a put a countdown calendar to how many days he had been gone and each day Ian would get to put an X on that day. It worked well because he could see when it was coming. Well, I haven't done any of that yet because last time it was during the summer and let's face it, I had a lot more time on my hands. Also, he carries around a picture of his daddy whereever he goes. Sometimes it's in his pocket of his shorts or jeans and most of the time it's just laying on the table, in his room or in the car. Then he just stares at it and starts crying. My niece did not believe me but over the summer she got to see first hand what I was talking about. It was so sad and I got all teary-eyed just watching him. OK, now on with that!
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