OK, now it's getting too exciting. Finished up the boys shopping today and I managed to get some really cool stuff I think they are going to like, no LOVE. I get more excited thinking about what they are going to say and do when they open up stuff than anything I could ever get. I just have a few loose ends and then I'm all done, and a whole three days early by the time we finish tomorrow night! Well, that's slow progress from last year, but it's still progress. Ian's class party is tomorrow so we spent all evening making goodie bags, making the labels for the tags on the goodie bags, filling them, tying them up with raffia and let's not forget making our Christmas mice that we make every year for the last 7 years. I wrapped all the teacher's gifts and Liam has a special friend that happens to be a girl so I picked her up a monogrammed notepad and wrapped that up for him and all my sister's gifts are now wrapped. I really feel like I've made a lot of progress today. I cannot wait until all the school parties are over with tomorrow at 1:00pm. Hopefully I can come home and relax before Brent gets off and he wants to go out shopping.
Still debating on what to get him. We bought the furniture so technically that is our Christmas present but then I said we needed to get each other at least something to open on Christmas morning. He's so silly. He wants a meat slicer. No, I'm serious. A great big, huge, ugly, prehistoric looking meat slicer. He said there's all kinds of things he wants to do with it. So I guess over the weekend I'll try and scout out a friggin meat slicer. He's also been wanting the complete DVD series of The Young Ones. It was a British sitcom on BBC from the 80's and he loved it. So I think I'll see if I can order it online and get it here. In fact, I think I'm going to go and check on that now and see how much it would be to overnight it. I sure would like the new Kid Rock CD hint, hint.... Liam's Naruto knives and throwing stars arrived via UPS yesterday or the day before, can't remember what day it is today much less something in the past. Anywho, Brent could not believe I ordered the real daggers, throwing knives and throwing stars. They are really cool but in no way child-friendly. We're going to have to lock them up so they don't fall into the hands of Ian. That child could do a lot of damage. Liam's ready for things like that and is really responsible but Ian, oh my gosh that child has no fear at all. I could just imagine walking outside to find Liam tied to a pinwheel while Ian tries out the throwing stars and knives. AAAHHH I can see it in my head now. I told Brent he'll have to lock them up with the guns and Liam can only show them to people and when he gets a little older and I find some kind of locked, see through case, then maybe he could actually be able to stare at them in the future. Ian's just too rambunctious and nosey to do that now. I did not think they would actually be sharp or even real for that matter. Tricia just died laughing when I told her what I did. Typical. Bought stuff to make cookies, a pumpkin roll and planning on doing our gingerbread house sometime this weekend. I really, really want to make some Chex Mix so we'll see how that works out.
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