Hope everyone's Christmas was merry and bright! Ours went really well. The boys loved, loved most of their toys and electronics. Liam freaked over his new phone. I'm really jealous and I keep threatening to take it away so we can trade and I can use it. It's waaay to cool for a 12 year old. It has a touch screen, plays movies, music, emails, and basically does everything but wipes your ass. He was totally not expecting that or his new bmx bike so he was pretty stoked about his stuff. Ian freaked over the Wii and PSP's and this Army tank that Santa broke down and got for him anyway. He loved the fusion board and when Brent tried to do it he almost broke his neck, so no more fusion board for daddy! Way too much crap. But then again I guess that's what it's all about. Any big plans for the New Year? We've got some stuff planned around our neighborhood and the kids are going to do a big bonfire out in the back field so I guess that's what they consider fun. It's going to be messy and sloppy so I guess I'll have to hose them down before they come in the house. Brent has two WHOLE weeks off so the whole family is home, staring at me with those freakishly large eyes, like "What are we doing NOW?" Sometimes I think the "WTF?" and then other times I really enjoy being home with them. Guess what! This isn't one of them. LOL Anywho, just doing the regular weekend stuff and I have some things to return and planning on taking the boys and some friends to the movies. They are all out hunting birds or ducks or some kind of fowl as we speak so it's pretty quiet around here. Oh yeah, and their daddy decided Ian needed his own pellet rifle so he bought one exactly like the one Brent had when he turned 7 that he gave to Liam when Liam turned 7 so Ian was soooo excited and happy that he now has one and he's 7. It's a Family Tradition. He's been hunting/killing/maiming birds and fish with it since Christmas. I swear that boy is tough as nails. He puts it in the gun rack on the 4-wheeler and takes off around the pond pretending he's hunting deer. We were cracking up but really I guess it's kind of sad ... there are no deer around here. But about two blocks down the road there was a dead bobcat in the road so now he's really hoping to kill a bobcat so he can get it stuffed. Even if he did kill anything and get it stuffed I don't know where in the hell he'd put it because it wouldn't come in this house, but I don't have the heart to break it to him just yet. I'm sure his daddy will.
For all my sisters and friends who read this, post some comments so I can see what you think. Anything you want me to post about old family secrets, or who said what about whom? Just let me know and it's a done deal. Don't know how to tell someone they have B.O. or bad breath, just let me know and I'll take care of it. I'm here when you need me. I'm turning over a new leaf in 2008: I'm going to be less condescending, less critical, and try to be nicer, sweeter, .... oh god OK, you got me I can't go on. Yeah, right! And then we'd all go to hell in a hand basket if you didn't have me to point out the truth and really hit that nerve that keeps you on your toes! Oh well, at least I THOUGHT about it for 2008. Maybe it will come to fruition in 2009 but don't hold your breath on that!
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