Another year older, another year wiser... I don't know about that part but I did feel pretty old this year. Brent came home at lunch to surprise me and take me to lunch on Thursday for my birthday, only he was too late. He was trying to surprise me but I was eating lunch with my sister. He was a little miffed but understood because he didn't tell me. We decided to go to Rao's for dessert and coffee. He brought me roses and a card and I wanted new cooking stuff so we headed out to Kitchen Koncepts (my favorite place besides Office Depot and Barnes & Noble) and I bought some stuff there. I got a Tracy Byrd cookbook, because he owns the store right, and they are going to have him autograph it for me for purchasing his cookbook. Haven't picked it up yet but for some crazy reason I was excited about that. My mom-in-law made the best cake for me and it was soo delicious. I love the icing more than I love the cake. It's Brent's favorite and he always has it on his birthday so this year I wanted one too. I think it's a buttermilk cake but the icing is like fudgey with pecans and is sooo guuud. Yummy. That was the highlight of my day. Anywho, he bought me a new huge dutch oven and I'm still trying to decide on stainless steel cookware but there are so many choices I cannot make up my mind. You know me, I have to over analyze everything and go through Consumer Reports and looks at deals online and compare prices and then, ONLY THEN, will my stomach not hurt when I make the decision. I emailed a cooking blog I visit to find out which cookware she uses (it looks really durable) so I'm waiting for an answer to my question on that also. I'll let you know when I decide, whenever that may be.
So what are your big weekend plans?? Ours, to get stuff done, business taken care of and out of the way. We have two bookshelves I bought on clearance at Office Depot to put together so I can sort through all of the boy's books and get yet more things ready for a garage sale this spring. I haven't had a garage sale since Liam was 2, he's now 12, so needless to say, we have a lot of CRAP that has accumulated in the last decade. Gosh, that sounds so ominous! I'm going to have to do all of my cleaning out when the boys are at school. Every time I try to do it on the weekends they put back just as much as I pull out to put in boxes. And then they never actually play with it again. I guess all of a sudden around here things will just start disappearing like when I was younger. "Hey momma, where's my Barbie?" "What Barbie?" That was usually the end of the conversation because then I was old enough to realize she was gone, gone forever. We're going to Lowe's today to get two new doors. I have two closets with hideous doors on them when you walk in the front door and I HATE them so this is it, the weekend to make changes. By Monday there will be two new closet doors if it kills me (well, actually "him" because he has to put them in).
Well Sunday night we are going to the preview for our Dave Ramsey class that begins at the end of the month at a local Baptist church. We are so excited!!! Some friends are taking it with us and these people we know actually completed the course and are now the instructors because they loved the program sooooo much. It is a Christian-based debt program that teaches you how to budget, pay off debt and then turn around and take that new found wealth and put it into you and your family's future, such as different investment options and real estate. Really interested in that aspect. Anywho, these friends paid off all their credit cards, loans, SUV, about $35,000 of debt (in two years) and are now working on paying off their house. I got inspired because I think we are in a better situation than most people who start attending because we have no credit card debt whatsoever. However, I have never had a b-b-b-BUDGET (yikes) so I'm definitely thinking this could be worth it. We want the car and house paid off within two-three years so we can build. In the Dave Ramsey 13 week course we'll learn about financing real estate, how to invest in real estate and how to make wiser decision regarding our retirement and 401K's and things like that. You also learn about "stupid tax" but I have no idea what that is. I think this is going to be a very beneficial learning experience for us. We've been married 18 years and this is the first time Brent's been interested in anything like this. We have made wise decisions with our money as far as our future but deciding to build vs. buying a new house is something we've really struggled with. So I guess it's now or never. I think we're psycho: One day we talk about this and the next we're looking at new suv's (which is a big no-no in Dave's book) so I guess we're up for the challenge. If you've gone through the program, I'd really like to hear from you. I really need the motivation to make this work.
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