This is about how I feel today, although this made me laugh because I have that dry, sick, sense of humor anyway. Pretty ingenious if you ask me.
Yeah, I've got the house to myself and all the rugrats are at school. I actually sat down and drank my very hot tea and watched GMA ever so contently this morning. We had a pretty busy weekend so its nice for all that to be behind us. Our class preview looks very promising. We watched a dvd about the program and then just kept laughing at all this stuff he said he had made mistakes with in his past and it sounded just like us. So, we officially start the last Sunday in January and we ordered our packets so we're good to go. The boys had a birthday party for a friend yesterday and it was a madhouse. There were kids running everywhere. They had fun so I guess that's all that counts. Going to attempt a Menu Plan Monday but that's almost hilarious considering we usually just eat what we "feel" like eating. But we're gonna try it and see what happens. I have loads of laundry to do today, mainly just because I've boycotted it and was not about to look at that crap over the weekend. That's me, I'll just stick my head in the sand. Maybe the clothes fairy will show up today and get them done. I'm guessing not but there's no harm in wishful thinking. I was just blog surfing and some of the blogs are so freakin' stupid. These people bore me to tears!! And gross me out. No one really wants to know or cares what you did/did not do in bed last night -- although it was pretty interesting. he he No wonder everybody freaks out when there is a good one out there. Most people are just mean, and out for themselves. They always have an agenda. I guess my cynicism of human kind is rearing her ugly head once again, but it's true and you know it. On with that....
New Year's Resolution: To TRY and accept people, in all their idiotness and psychoticness (are those even real words??). How about this: "Not to glare uncaringly and condescendingly at some of the most ignorant people you've come across while they are speaking." There.
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