To explain the picture, see the last paragraph. I was going to add it to that paragraph but they are so hilarious I wanted to make sure you could see them right off the bat. I don't know about y'all, but this looks awfully familiar at my house. As we like to say in our house, he TALKS more than I do, but I NAG more than he does!
OK, she is too cute. Is she dyed PINK?!?!
This morning we went and signed up both little dudes for baseball. WTF were we thinking??? They really want to play but this will be the first year both of them will be in the same league at the same time. Liam has always played soccer, since he was 7, and Ian played t-ball with the Y last year which was really easy. So we're trying to gear up for this. Santa brought them new bats, gloves, some super duper "special" bat (whatever), and a pitching machine to try and get them up to par so they've been hitting balls all day. Whatever, I'm bored with that.
So, we went to Academy to get Ian some new shoes. He wants some like his friend down the street that don't actually tie. They look like they tie but they don't. Again, whatever! So, we're looking and we find the exact ones (that don't actually TIE) and I go down the line of shoes telling Ian "Sweetie, look at all these. This one doesn't tie, this one doesn't tie, and neither does this one so just pick which one you want." So he picks out the one he wants and we're looking for his size. About that time Brent shows up from out of the shadows because I have no idea where the hell he has been the entire time and he said "I thought he wanted the ones that don't really tie" to which I said "umm, yeah, we just picked some out. All these are like that." He was like "OK, are you really that stupid?" I was like "Wha? Wha?" Well, he proceeds to show me that all the shoes are tied like that with their little laces nicely tucked away inside. We just started cracking up. I never thought about that, they all looked the same. OOPS. Sorry Ian, I made a faux-pas. Pick out a different pair ................ which took another half-hour. GEEZ Louise! I hate Academy.
Better go help out with dinner. Brent's grilling steaks on the barbie and I feel the urge to .... nag. Yup, I have an overabundance of nagging built up and I must release it. You know, like that feeling when you have an overabundance of gas-- same thing -- you have to release it or you're bound to blow at the most inopportune time. I like to try and nag when everything is relatively calm so that we don't get too overstimulated. I'll let you know how it turns out. Ciao bella!!
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