It's already been the longest and busiest week. It started out so lazy and cozy with Brent being off on Monday for MLK Day and the boys too. Then we switched into overdrive for the rest of this week. Tests, projects, homework, CCD, friends, flat tires! It's not even over yet and I still have birthday gifts to buy for birthday parties this weekend, emails to reply to and bills to pay. YUK, but alas the weekend is near.
OK, as my ADD kicks in. Have y'all ever heard Dane Cook's CD's or stand up? OMG, he is sooo funny. He's raunchy, ruthless, nasty and I find him sexy in some weird geeky way. Anyway, if you get a chance and you like that kind of humor I was dying, like having to cross my legs so I didn't pee in the car. (I kind of have that problem a lot sometimes. Need to start doing more Kegel's eh gals!) So, he's really nasty so if you are easily offended you probably shouldn't, if you have children around, you probably shouldn't, if you are a prude, you probably shouldn't and last but not least if you are just a puss because you're scared your husband/wife might not like it, you probably shouldn't. However, I thoroughly enjoy Dane. Not as much as Bobby (aka Kid Rock). I am truly in my zone and happy when I listen to my Bobby.
Um kay. Have you ever heard the saying "It's better to beg forgiveness than ask permission?" Well, in not so many words I think I kind of live by that standard. I do stuff all the time to piss people off be it my husband, kids, sisters, family, whoever and then I just say sorry and tell them from the deepest depths of my black heart how sorry I am and I will never again spend..., do ...., or say ..... . How's that for rationalization? I bet a psychologist would have a ball this blog.
Um kay. ADD setting in again. Do you watch Scott Baio is 46 and Pregnant? Love him. He is too cute. Of course I have been in love with this man since I first laid eyes on him when the Fonz introduced his cousin Chachi on Happy Days!! Followed him to Joanie Loves Chachi and then Charles in Charge. Now how's that for loyalty! I was cracking up last night watching him go to his Daddy To Be class and having the same thoughts about the freaks in his class that he was: like the guy who wants to grow the organic garden to feed organic baby food to his baby. It was too funny. Oh, I wholeheartedly agree with the guy who wants to do it, but he seemed like such a big puss saying it out loud in front of the other guys and the face Scott Baio made when he said it was funny. I'm easily entertained.
Yeah, so this blog sucks and all but I have about 11 minutes to clean up the house, pay my bills online and get the scrubbing bubbles to start doing their job on the tub before I have to leave to get my little hellions. Yeah, they're hellions, but they are MY hellions!
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