Hope everyone's Easter was great and family-oriented. We had a nice day and the boys loved playing at their uncle's house all day. It felt good to get away and forget about the daily grind, even though the boys had to go back to school on Monday. What's up with that? We have always had the Monday after Easter off, except for this year. I really missed that. It's been so long that I think I actually forgot about blogging. Too many things going on that interrupt my daily life and keeping us very busy. Two boys in baseball is just about killing me. Different practices on different days in different locations now and then CCD two nights a week along with trying to fight this horrible situation going on in our small community. It is taking up all my time. I haven't done any billing in almost two weeks and it was spring break before that so I need to get off my ass and get some work done. Hopefully we are making progress with our campaign but who knows --- it is way too detailed and boring to go into right now. Needless to say we have personally met and became friends with all of our neighbors and over 85 people came to our meeting last week. In the midst of all this and the legal decisions we've all had to make, we made a unanimous decision to form a neighborhood/community association and try and revive some of the things the community voted on and did in the 50's, 60's and 70's. I think this could be a good thing if we decide to stay here, but Brent went and looked at four acres in Labelle and then me and Brent went and looked at two houses on Thursday when he was off work. He won't compromise on the land with acreage, so hell, for all I know we may be renting a beach cabin if we cannot stop this and have to move sooner than we planned. We already decided to not talk about building anymore until we know what's going to happen in our area. He is working so much overtime and with practices and games I'm going to be really busy and then he's scheduled to go to Atlanta, South Carolina and Colorado for training so that's going to be real fun -- being a married single mom again.
On a better note, Ian's first game was yesterday and he did really well. I was kind of nervous for him but that kid seems to take it all in stride. His coach was really impressed with him and so far he seems to really like it. Liam's first game is tomorrow night and I really want to go with him and Brent but we have a neighborhood meeting so one of us has to go to that to give our updates -- too much activity. Ian has practice too so I guess I really need to start relying on the crockpot and quick fix meals and doing some meal planning and casseroles (as much as Brent doesn't like them) because he'll be working and we usually bring him supper too. Geez Louise!! Anywho, haven't caught up on any of my blogs lately. Seem to be really disappointed in humanity lately and very critical of religions that condemn people, communities, or other religions. As a Catholic we have a set pattern to our mass and it leaves really no room for deviation except during the homily where the priest can try to make you understand the reading from the Gospel and how to incorporate God's words and wisdom into your everyday life. In all my years of being a Catholic, I have never heard a priest speak to the parishioners condemning other religions, people in the community, the community itself or for that matter, anyone outside of our religion. However, we witnessed first-hand a preacher (I guess he's supposed to be a man of God however he was far from it) condemn our community and told his congregation that because of our controversy and not wanting to help with his "vision" we would be sentenced to "Hell." Ummm, what you old, old freak???? I have never witnessed a man use the Bible for his own gain, to twist the words to accomodate his "vision", to use the Bible as an evil tool. It was ghastly, just disgusting. Because we (the whole community) do not agree with his "vision" in our small area, we will suffer and be sentenced to the pits of hell according to your Bible. I wanted sooo badly to go off but Brent said he's heard it millions of time. I just get so upset because as a strong, confident, intelligent woman, I would never let a man/preacher/priest tell my children which race, religion, community to condemn. I thought we were all equal in Christ's eyes. I thought that's how everyone feels. Whatever. I told my neighbors this church has some kind of hypnotic hold on its congregation. You know, now we just refer to him as "Jim Jones" and that the congregation "drank the punch." They were dying laughing when I made that inference but its really weird. Anyway, don't drink the jungle juice if you are offered any... we didn't and we were actually offered punch. My sister, Tricia, said "don't forget because you get all thirsty and parched and take the punch and drink it and then next thing you know you're missing." I laughed because I do forget easily and if I would have been thirsty at the time, hell who knows where I'd be right now! So, have a great week and enjoy this spring air. It's been beautiful here. Try and take time to enjoy the small stuff. I know I've been trying to do that lately even though all faith in humanity has just about diminished. It's really sad to see evil at work. Ciao!
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