It's official -- the JJ's have officially pissed me off! I guess that's not too hard to do but I've been trying really hard to keep my cool. See, JJ stands for our code word for this so-called church and "men of God" we are having a community controversy with. JJ stands for the followers "Jim Jonesers." Get it. They drank the punch, the jungle juice and so now they are with "the others." Anywho, it's really getting old. These people are psychotic. We had signs made up to protest and the one that was down at the park for our neighborhood yesterday mysteriously came up missing this morning. OK, if you are supposed to be Bible-toting Christians, why would you steal from a neighborhood park of which you are not a part of our community. The pastor said the "olive branch" that he extended to us has now be rescinded -- ewwww we're so scared you freakin' old pervert. I am so tired of people, I guess all people in general, who use the Bible to their advantage in whatever situation they see fit. It is a disgusting display of an overly big ego from an aged and decrepit old man. Things have been crazy this past week. I'm actually going to do billing today which I haven't done in over a month. I feel sorry for my friend since I haven't gotten any of her billing done and this is what she counts on for an income. Sorry for the rant but evidently our signs are getting under the man's skin and he wants them down. Sorry Charlie -- they are on private property and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. There's this thing called an Amendment and we have the right to express ourselves and use our freedom of speech to make our point also. You aren't the only who can quote the Bible when needed. So drink some more punch you old FART!!! Haw yew doin'??

YUMMY: Doesn't that look delish? Chicken Bacon Sami from Pioneer Woman is the best. And all the boys in my life love it too. Thinking this and some fresh veggies with dip would be a good supper -- need something quick and not too complicated on practice nights. Visit her website for the ingredients. It's yum!

Crazy baseball games, batting practice and birthday parties all day Saturday. Brent worked overtime all week and 14 hours Saturday but he made it to Liam's game Saturday night. Me and the boys left our house at 9:15am to go to Target and pick up birthday presents for friends and between all the activities, parties, practice and games we didn't make it home until 9:45 pm. I was sooo exhausted and so was Brent from working. He really enjoyed Liam's game. It was the first one I watched and I felt like throwing up. I get so nervous for him so I probably won't be going to any until Brent has to go out of town on business at the end of the month. I think he feeds off my nervousness because he said he could feel me staring at him and being scared for him. Two kids got hurt (hit by the ball) at this game and at his first game the pitcher on the other team got hit in the leg by the biggest and hardest hitter on our team and he went out in an ambulance. I believe he broke his shin bone (or whatever bone that's actually called) so Liam is so little and with absolutely no meat on him I'm just afraid if he gets hit by one of these big oafs he'll suffer the same fate. Poor little man. Brent took him and bought him a two hundred dollar bat and a new pitching machine. YUP, we already had both but he thinks he'll do better with the bat Liam wanted in the first place. Whatever. Liam's team is the Astros so I bought Brent all this Astros stuff to wear to Liam's games and I bought red shirts for us and a red hat for Liam to support Ian's team. I know, I know, Dave wouldn't agree with those unneedy purchases but sometimes you just have to show you care and support them. I bought what I thought was the cutest baseball ring at Gaudie & Co. the other day but my friends and Brent said it was the ugliest thing they had ever seen. Brent asked how much it was but I wasn't about to confess so he said "if you paid more than what it cost to get it out of a gumball machine you got screwed." I responded with "move the decimal over and now you know." WTF> it was pretty funny. I love my ring and they can laugh if they want, it's beautiful. Or whatever.
Sunday we really enjoyed our day together. Ian stayed the night with my neighbor and her kids after Hunter's skating party so the morning was really quiet because Liam slept pretty late. We drank coffee out on the porch and watched the sun come up. Still exhausted from all the action this weekend. We took about 5 boys down to the baseball park at the end of the road to play baseball. I didn't really play, I just picked up all the foul balls. But they had to try out the new pitching machine and bat and then before we (the adults) were ready to go the kids were whining because they were hot, hungry, thirsty. We even skipped our class and boiled some spicy shrimp. They were so good with a cold coronas. Needless to say, Ian went to his grandparents for awhile then he came in and took a shower and went straight to bed. It was after 11 before I had everything cleaned and back in its original place and backpacks ready for school. The alarm going off at 5:20 this morning was way too early for me. Brent's getting ready for his trip to North Carolina and then he'll be going to Atlanta after that. Not sure when that trip will be, but hopefully before school gets out, and not the last few days when I'll need help with end of the year parties. But his birthday is in June so I definitely need to be thinking/planning. It just seems like this other stuff is taking up way too much of my time, and my family's time. Time to get back to what matters - them. If the neighborhood goes up in flames, I'll say I told you so as we back out the driveway to head out of town. Liam seems to be worried because we don't like what we're hearing about the future of the school district with all the low-income section 8 housing and apartments that are going up in the future so I visited several schools and got packets and tuition information. I told Liam he may end up in Catholic school and he was not happy but I told him it's only if all this comes to fruition. I went to Catholic school for 9 years, wore uniforms and prayed and went to mass and guess what? I'm still alive and probably a better person for it. The future holds the answers. I can only pray for the boys' sake that it doesn't end up like I think it will. That land in Fannett is looking better and better. After school today we have two practices at the same time in different locations and a meeting. Wonder how I'm going to pull this off? Busy, busy. Any advice, just let me hear it. Ciao for now.
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