I think we're going to see if Brent's mom and dad or Auntie Tricia wants to spend some quality time with Ian tonight so we can go do something fun. It's been ages since we went out by ourselves. The last time we got away from the boys my family met up with us so it's just not the same. We need some alone mommy/daddy time. Sometimes we drop off the kids and then come home without any specific plans and just spend time together doing whatever we want. Then again, sometimes we just go to Rao's and drink coffee or go get a margarita somewhere. We just want some away time. Maybe that's what we'll do tonight. Lord knows I have no intention on fighting the crowd at the Heritage Festival again tonight, or as the boys might say "Hairy Testicle." Quite inventive, eh?
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Pretty Clouds and the Hairy Testicle (a.k.a. Heritage Festival)
Liam's been living out there just about with his friends or I've been dropping them off everyday and I have all my friends who are working the booths keeping tabs on him. I'll call him and say "Why are you .... " to which he's like "how did you know?" and I was like "All eyes are on you buddy, I have little birdies everywhere and you don't know who's watching you so you better mind your manners and be respectful." Of course, we're just cracking up but I can guarantee you he's walked a straight line. My sister works at the post office which is at the beginning of the kiddie rides section so he knew he could go to the post office if he needed us but it's worked out really well. He gets to go and have fun and all the moms are keeping tabs on everybody's kids and calling each other with updates. He's at a friends birthday party and sleepover which started at noon today until noon tomorrow. I told the mom she's pretty brave keeping all those boys for 24 hours.
OK, going from blond highlights, brown and black base with red highlights too to just cinnamon brown. I guess it's a cross between a deep red and brown but I think the highlights and everything we do to my hair are starting to dry it out too much and I read on a site that highlights (heavy ones like I usually have) age you. I was YIKES SCOOB no way. If I in any way think something is making me look older, I have to change it, get beyond it, forge ahead. So, at least for the months of April and May I will try one color. I know, I know, it seems so boring and depressing but maybe, just maybe I'll once again be carded when I buy beer/wine. It's only been in the last six months or so that I haven't been asked for my license and I don't know if every liquor store/walmart clerk is conspiring against me but for the love of God would you please card me people!! See, Brent and I have this bet that I always get carded and he never does and I (in some sicko way) get a great deal of satisfaction out of that. I hardly ever buy beer/liquor (Brent does the deed) but when I do, please, please card me and you will be rewarded with heavenly riches. No, no, I digress but you will get a big ole fat THANK YOU from me!!
Ran across an envelop on the floorboard of my truck that contained, can you guess? Guess not. Our tax return. Seems that the amended return is not going to be electronically filed so all the time I've been waiting for this, it was in my car waiting on us to sign off on it and mail. Oh well, at least I found it before April. I guess God was looking out for me because any other time I wouldn't run across crap in there for months. I usually just gather it all up and stick it in a rubbermaid box I have in the back. But I just happened to glance in there and wonder what that was ... do you think they'll accept it with a baseball cleat print on the envelope. Hope so because that's what they're getting. I smudged it off as best I could.
Ian ran in the house a while ago with what looked like poison ivy/poison oak on both arms. I had never seen this before so I just washed it and then ran alcohol over it trying to stop it from itching. Well it's been about two hours and whatever we did worked because it's almost completely gone. Brent said he may have gotten into some bull nettle (sp??) which I've never heard of but I'm just glad it's almost gone. I was like no way buddy you are going to school on Monday! Brent's been off since Wednesday so we've been keeping busy and he's been completing little projects around here. Most of the time I think they just play around but the boys have been enjoying it. I cannot believe Easter is next weekend. I have to finish up everything as soon as the kids get back in school on Monday. Ian had baseball practice every day during spring break (whatever, I think that's crazy) but he didn't make it Thurs. or Friday because he had friends over and he wasn't willing to give up going to ride rides and eat junk for baseball. We probably should have made him go but it's spring break, hence the word "break." I really don't care but Brent does. He's been working with both of them everyday he's
been off and Ian's pitching has really improved.
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