- I have a hangnail on my wedding ring finger that is killing me. I actually think it's infected. I had fiberglass nails until about 3 weeks ago when I got the hair up my ass to rip almost all of them off -- it took me all weekend but I was determined to get them off because I just knew an infection was killing my otherwise healthy nails. But ... once they were all off, guess what? No infection so I totally ripped them off for no reason. So by Easter I'll be making another appointment. I think it's good to let them breathe for awhile and get healthy again. My sister has had nails for like 15 years and that totally grosses me out. She's had new sets and all that but for the last 15 freakin years she had had fake nails and a really bad nail infection where she had to soak her nail in pure Clorox for 5 minutes each 3 x a day. WTF?
- Brent's been working a lot of overtime and that makes me happy. I miss him but getting out of debt is numero importante right now so that's his contribution. It makes the time we spend together and as a family that much better because we appreciate him and all that he does.
- Other people coughing or blowing their nose or sneezing out in public makes me want to gag. I literally get a lump in my throat and my mouth starts watering like I'm fixing to throw up because I'm usually shorter than the person who is doing that and I can see all the germs flying out everywhere and where do they go --- down! Yup, right where I'm standing. I've been known to tuck my nose and mouth into my shirt if someone does that around me and I don't care how rude it looks. If I had a little white mask to wear like Michael Jackson, I probably would. Get this you asshole: COVER YOUR MOUTH, NOSE, ETC WHEN EXPELLING BODILY FLUIDS!!! That is just soooo nasty.
- I have so much housework to do today to catch up from the weekend but since it's the first day of spring break the boys are going to play, relax and I'm going to enjoy that. No screaming about cleaning up and all that ... we're going to watch a movie in a bit and watch funny bunny scenes on the internet. Don't ask me what that is but Liam said they're funny and not nasty so Ian can watch too. Whatever I'll try anything.
- I get in moods where I don't feel like talking. I mean really. I would rather sit here and type all day then move my mouth and utter a sound. I will not answer the phone somedays no matter who is calling, including my sweetie, just so I don't inadvertently start a major conversation. If he calls then I'll text him back or something like that. Or I'll work up the nerve to call back to see what he wanted. Some days... you know, somedays are just like that. I'll roll my eyes and move my children bodies and use hand gestures. I just get tired of always having to explain my actions, answers, etc. So when I've had enough, I get fed up -- I just shut up. I think I got that from my mom. She's not a talker at all. And then again somedays, usually after I've taken like 3-4 Jet Alerts or Excedrin (for the caffeine) I'll talk up a storm. A regular chatterbox. For Brent to say that I talk a lot, well if that ain't the pot calling the kettle ....?????? I can't remember! What does the pot call the kettle?? I think it's black, is that right? It doesn't sound right but it may be. Anywho, he talks a lot, everyday, so I guess I feel like I don't have to!
- I have no idea what to cook tonight. I have a whole pack of chicken out and since I wasn't too sure about that I took out a roast last night to defrost. Now what do I do???
- Ever since I went to the eye dr. Thursday and put in these new contacts, my left eye is smaller than the right eye. What the hell is up with that? I can't find my glasses that I LOVE, but somehow when I put in the new contact my eye just wants to close up over it.
Have a good day and remember:
If you can remember how many times you kissed your baby today, it wasn't enough!!
Now that the opposition parties have won control of 5 state governments and denied BN two third majority in the parliament, do the next stage by petition for a Royal Commission on Electoral Reform (RCER) in Malaysia.
If you want to have a better future for our children in Malaysia, do your part by signing the on-line petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/RCER2008/petition.html
This is one of the way (non-violence) to bring our message to the Government.
Don’t just sit there, stand up and be counted! We want a fair and transparent election.
1) Gerrymandering. The discrepancy between number of voters in voting areas is too great. The smallest parliamentary seat (Federal Territory, Putrajaya) has only 6,608 voters while the parliamentary seat for Kapar in Selangor has 112,224 voters. What this means is that one vote in the Putrajaya parliamentary constituency is equivalent to 17 votes in the Kapar constituency.
2) Phantom voters. A common tactic is to ‘buy’ the identity card of the voters. Party members from the ruling parties will then vote on the voters’ behalf. Random checking of a person’s identity must be conducted using those finger print checking device (like the bank use). Any voting done on another person’s identity must be made a serious offence under the election law.
3) Postal votes. The rules on postal voting must be reviewed, tightened and amended. The current rule favours the ruling party as the armed forces personnel and policemen who vote by ‘postal voting’ would obviously not jeopardize their career or promotion prospect by voting for the opposition. Voting under postal voting is not secret as it is under the watchful eyes of the senior officers. Christina Liew of DAP (Api-Api) lost due to postal votes. The ruling party has control of 250,000 postal votes!
4) Spoiled votes. How do we define spoiled votes. It is very easy to turn good votes into spoiled votes (by adding one more x to the ballot paper). Are spoiled votes being verified and watched over by the party representatives? In marginal areas in which the winning margin is razor thin, the so-called spoiled votes need to be scrutinized.
Whatever. Stop posting crap on my site that has no significance regarding the political arena of the United States. See, this is the US, not Malaysia.
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