Wow, I've been busy today. Went to the eye doctor this morning and guess what? My eyes are getting worse. I guess it could be getting old but I have some kind of rare shaped cornea so it's hard to fit the contacts on them and make them stay. We're trying a new brand/manufacturer so these should stay better. My eyes are still dilated so if this has a lot of typos, missing commas or extra spaces, just deal with it here 'cause I can't see a freakin' thing. Brent's getting off early and we have some errands to do and business to get settled. Been thinking about our will and guardians for the boys so I guess we're about to embark on that stage in our life. I just hope the people we want the boys to go to do not say no! How embarrassing would that be??? Nah, just kidding. Hey, whoever they go to will be well taken care of that's for sure. I guess we just need to get all of this in writing. As Brent approaches 40, I think he is more aware of the inevitable and needing things to be taken care of and sorted out. I guess it's growing up and maturing. He would not even talk about a will when Liam was younger and I wanted a friend to do it for us. So, now we just have to sit down and start deciding. Those are some major decisions, especially when money is involved. I just want the boys to be happy and in no way a financial strain on the guardians so I think it will all work out. We should be back in time for baseball practice but it is supposed to storm this afternoon so then we could just do something fun. Just one more day until spring break officially starts and I cannot wait.
We do not have class for the next two weeks so we'll be able to catch up on our homework. We sat down last night and did our two year plan and I'm really excited and pumped up now. I cannot believe how much money we could put away in those few years compared to how much we just blow on crapola. So our goal is to be completely debt free in less than 3 years, including the house, which isn't too bad. Then we can either sell our humble abode but he's leaning toward building in the back. Whatever -- as long as it's free and clear. It may be long and boring, but it will be well worth. Live like no one else now so you can live like no one later. That's our new motto. We even sat down and read the verses from the Bible regarding the biblical relationship a person has with money. It's really interesting how things have not really changed that much regarding people's notions towards money in the last 2000 years! At least it's a start for us toward our independent and debt free life.
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