Daylight Savings Time .... OK, what the hell is that all about? Why is it so early this year ... I think it's stupid. I like that it gets dark early and we get everything done and Ian's in bed by 8:30 -- I look forward to the evening ending without a fight to stay out longer because it's still daylight!!! Why are they always fucking with everything??
Read in the paper that gas is going to be pushing $5 a gallon. That is incredibly ridiculous. Whatever ... we'll just be home doing our own activities and swimming all summer. We were going to plan a trip to Disney for June but now that we're on our debt free plan we postponed it. I told Brent that if we don't stick to our guns then we'll be paying for cars and houses forever and I want to be done with all of that. We wanted to go to England but since everyone is coming in September for the wedding, I told him I'd rather wait and go later. That gives me a goal (besides being debt free) that we'll get to enjoy without feeling guilty. He's been working a lot of overtime so we opened another account for all the "extra" money like the overtime, income tax, automatic savings deductions, my business and things that come up like that, so that as we accrue the extra income, we'll be earning interest on that amount. We decided that if we don't put it away as soon as we get it, then we'd spend it if it was just sitting in the checking account. So now I'm glad he did, but it's really nice knowing that he is taking care of everything now and is showing an interest in our future.
The couple who is conducting our class said they did the same thing and were out of debt in a little over a year and they also paid off $32,000, not including their house. They are still working on it. We don't have half of that to pay off and so far it's been relatively easy, except for not buying up Target every time I go in there. I left the other day with only $91 worth of crap, whereas before it was always $150-$170 so Brent was proud of me.

Speaking of Target, Tricia's coming over tomorrow and in the morning we're going to make her a giant cupcake cake for her birthday. I bought it at Target the other day and it is so freakin cute. The pan is the top and bottom of the cupcake and each part makes a whole cake mix, so it's like two cakes in one, then you use icing to get the top of the cupcake to stick to the bottom. So we're going to make it for her and surprise her. I took her out on Tuesday for her birthday to lunch and then we went to the new James Avery store. They have the neatest jewelry and crosses for your home. I was really good and didn't buy anything although I did pick out two cross necklaces for the boys for Easter. I really like them but I'm going to keep looking for a crucifix and chain for them. Tricia got the cutest butterfly ring for her birthday at James Avery and the wings on the butterfly stand up off of the ring. It is really cute and dainty on her hand but she wears a size 4 so it is pretty dainty anyway. We had fun. We laughed the entire time and I splurged and bought a new cookbook and some things for the boys' Easter baskets. You know, gotta keep that theme going. The baseball soap that I bought for them was seen in the car so now that's not going in their baskets -- I guess I'm weird but I don't even want Liam to expect certain things even though he doesn't believe in the Easter Bunny. And I want Ian to keep his imagination regarding the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy as long as possible -- there's sooo many years in the future to be disinterested, disheartened and discouraged -- I'd like for their childhoods to be just that ... a childhood. With that said I'm going to watch a movie with all my boys. Wishing safe flights and voyages for all my friends flying off to Disney, sailing off to Jamaica and Cozumel and driving to Florida for the spring break.
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