Friday, April 25, 2008

This is the map we keep on the wall in the hall and mark where Brent is and where we are so Ian can see that he's only six states away this time. It helps him to feel closer to his daddy and each time Brent leaves, we pull out...... drum roll........ "THE MAP." Isn't that sad. I get all excited and we try to figure out the map scale and add up all the miles. I know, pitiful. What can I say? Ian has an unnatural attachment to his daddy. My friend tells me "that's 'cause he's cut right out of his asshole." YUK I think that means because they look so much alike but I really hated to ask.

I cannot believe it's been soooo long since I blogged. We have been really busy, I'm sick, Brent's been sick and we've got this whole other thing going on and every day it's getting out there with our community and trying to get the word out about our cause. It's been great getting to know everyone and how tight knit our small piece in the big picture really is. I can honestly say that I really like all of them out here. I've met over 100 families and they are just hard-working Christians who want to raise their families and live a peaceful existence. My heart goes out to them.
HOWEVER, yup, the the big however, some of them are really weird. They mean well and I just crack up anytime I'm around them, but seriously these people need medication. One day gung-ho, the next down in the dumps. A little big of advice: Stop living off of Diet Coke, go see a psychiatrist and get properly diagnosed for your Bipolar I, Most Recent Episode, Depressed w/Psychotic Features or Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Severe w/ Psychotic Features, take the meds EVERYDAY, and be happy. I cannot understand these people who tell you they are depressed all the time, but won't take medication. Hell, give it to me and I'll take it just so I can stand to be around you. LOL I thought that was funny. Not really but my neighbors really are hilarious. And it's amazing how when you start talking about family and what you like/hate about yours and they have the same feelings toward their dysfunctional families also. Nothing like bonding over a cup of tea and the transgender cousin who wants to sue his employer for not having an "it" bathroom, I guess. LOL I crack myself up sometimes. On with that to this....

My baby daddy (or would that be "babies" daddy since we have two children?) oh hell, my baby daddy is still away on training and we cannot wait for him to come back home!!!???. The boys are just sick everyday and counting down the days until he comes back. His plane lands around 11pm Friday night and they are ecstatic. Every morning this week they have cried because they get up to a really quiet house when their daddy's not here. Then he calls before they go to school and I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not, but they sure do love talking to him and then the whole ride to school we have the conversation about how safe airplanes are and how they don't ever really fall out of the sky anymore. Ian seems to be obsessed with the fact that planes crash and are there any tall buildings where his Daddy is? It's so sad so I just tell them that God is watching out for Daddy and he'll bring him home safe to us. That's when I can really tell how much older Ian has gotten because he's become very philosophical and everything involves how long am I going to live? How long are you going to live? Why do we have to die? And, "Momma, you hate dirt and worms and bugs so when you die are you doing to like it?" I responded with "I'm going to be cremated" which lead into a whole other discussion about the process of cremation and where I'd like my ashes scattered and I told them I've been to the crematorium and toured it a long time ago when I worked at a funeral home. Very interesting by the way.

So, we've been busy with baseball every night. Liam had a game tonight and they won. He was ecstatic because they called the game for the 10 point rule or something. Didn't understand that but I just nodded, smiled, hugged him and got really excited about it for him. Granny and Poppie (Brent's mom/dad) took him to the game so I could do Ian's practice with him. I've just felt so run-down lately and I want to feel 100% better before Brent gets home. Liam was really happy about that and couldn't wait to get home to call and share every play of the game with his daddy. Cannot wait for my baby daddy to come home. We were talking this morning about how we cannot describe how we feel when we're apart and I said I've been thinking about it and here's my thought: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." And I believe it with all my heart. Every day you go through life with people's little eccentricities and then when they're not there, you miss those same little eccentricities. I miss Brent and the way he talks to me when I'm not in the room like I was and then the whole time I'm going "huh, huh?" until he gets up and walks back into our bedroom and then I just start dying laughing because I heard him the whole time. Now that's pretty funny but now it's like really funny because I've been doing it forever and he still gets up to come and make sure I heard his very, very important statement. So, guess that's it for now. Haven't cooked once. YUP, proud of that. But we did do Pei Wei with my sistas on Sunday and took the boys shopping and to the MAC counter (way yeah for me) and then I did Luby's take-out which is just like real food with veggies and salad one night and then last night Drake and Tricia took us to IHOP for breakfast for supper. The boys love it when we do that and now it's a tradition that every time Brent's traveling for work, we take them there for supper. We laughed and cracked up the whole time. Tricia has whatever I had. I guess I gave it to her but that's what she gets for drinking out of my drinks all the time. So, going to try to work on blogging more but tomorrow I'll be especially busy because I have a church thing in the morning and then I really need to get the house all tidied up for Brent's return. Ian has a game tomorrow night so that will keep us busy until Brent lands. Say a prayer for all the air travelers tomorrow and I'll keep all of you in my prayers.

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