Computers are getting in my way of being happy. I happily cruise the internet on a daily basis. I look at it as my R&R. Leave me alone for about half an hour and I swear it will be worth your while. However, when roadrunner can't get their shit together and the lady in the Phillipines from Microsoft totally wipes it out.... it sucks. Having computers and taking care of their maintenance and upkeep is a tee-total pain the ass. Do you know how little I would have on my mind if I wasn't thinking about running this or doing that or blogging about this or seeing if anyone posted a new article or comment on other blogs.... I'd actually probably be bored. So, in between these last sporadic posts my computer caught a bad virus and was totally screwed, now after all the hard work and hours on the phone with different people, I happen to be back in working order, oh yeah, that is if I don't want to listen to anything. For some reason in the transition my sound card was deleted and guess what it's telling me now ... that there isn't one there. Well I don't think the sound card burglar snuck in in the middle of the night and took it so it's freakin' there, you just have to know where to look or decipher is the sound card file is corrupted and then go to the cd and search for it there and ... blah, blah, blah. In other words, unless Brent decides to reinstall it anytime soon, I hope my blog has sound when you listen to it because it doesn't when I log on. Tired of everybody and everything. Getting away either this week of next. Can't decide but since Friday is July 4th and Brent' off, we may just decide to take off for a few days and let the boys play at their aunt's house. Not much going on here. People only truly care about themselves and their own inconveniences. They don't understand how truly they can hurt someone else's feelings by their actions. Needless to say, too long and boring to go into but I'm tired of trying. I actually tried to be nice and friendly for awhile and guess where it gets you ... no where absolutely friggin nowhere. People claim to be Christians but are they really? Do they even know the meaning of the word?
Brent has spent all day putting in his new stereo because I have yet to venture out and try my hand at the Walgreen's and CVS coupons to see how much I can save. I made my list, compiled my coupons and carefully arranged them. Saved about $10 at Walmart between coupons on organic milk and dog food so it worked out really well. The boys got the new game at Circuit City yesterday so they have been very quiet and enthralled with it last night and today. I think Liam stayed up most of the night but he was up early too. I hope he sleeps late tomorrow morning. Brent and Ian got up early and had the grass mowed and everything by the time I got up. He came and woke me up at 9:45am. I don't even know why I slept so late other than I was exhausted. We watched a pretty good movie last night, Mad Money, and we all enjoyed it. Even Ian watched it all the way through so I told them tonight they could pick which one. Been ordering them off of I-Control so they have a few to pick from. Ian wants to see Mr. Magorium's Magical Emporium so hopefully if he picks that I'll fall asleep. Nah, just kidding. I'll have to sit through it with great enthusiasm and excitement and tell him what a great movie he picked. By the way if you haven't seen Mimzy (I think that's the name) it is really cute too. He picked that one and we went to the movies quite a while back but it's definitely worth the rent.

OK, so we made our way over to Barnes and Noble the other day and I got the last one of the Stephanie Meyers series: Twilight, New Moon, & now Eclipse. Have yet to read one of them but the new one comes out in August and I think the movie in September. You know how I am from talking about it before: I'm great at buying; just not so great at reading. Bought the latest edition of Radar and I made Brent stay up late with me last night reading the 100 things listed on the back page. They changed their format and the magazine now has staples in it binding it together which is a bit cheesy if you ask me and they changed the fonts which I can't stand. Getting up the nerve to email them: like we wouldn't notice. Trying to get on the make the money bandwagon and cutting down on glue and binding I guess so now they're stapling the magazine like a pamphlet or brochure. Definitely do not like it so maybe I'll email them and let them know! How pathetic right? Actually worrying about the binding on a stupid magazine. Now I'm going to go worry about important stuff like greenhouse gases and global warming. But.... that's boring. I like the thought of terrorizing a magazine until they go back to the way it was last freakin' month!! Ciao!
Brent has spent all day putting in his new stereo because I have yet to venture out and try my hand at the Walgreen's and CVS coupons to see how much I can save. I made my list, compiled my coupons and carefully arranged them. Saved about $10 at Walmart between coupons on organic milk and dog food so it worked out really well. The boys got the new game at Circuit City yesterday so they have been very quiet and enthralled with it last night and today. I think Liam stayed up most of the night but he was up early too. I hope he sleeps late tomorrow morning. Brent and Ian got up early and had the grass mowed and everything by the time I got up. He came and woke me up at 9:45am. I don't even know why I slept so late other than I was exhausted. We watched a pretty good movie last night, Mad Money, and we all enjoyed it. Even Ian watched it all the way through so I told them tonight they could pick which one. Been ordering them off of I-Control so they have a few to pick from. Ian wants to see Mr. Magorium's Magical Emporium so hopefully if he picks that I'll fall asleep. Nah, just kidding. I'll have to sit through it with great enthusiasm and excitement and tell him what a great movie he picked. By the way if you haven't seen Mimzy (I think that's the name) it is really cute too. He picked that one and we went to the movies quite a while back but it's definitely worth the rent.

OK, so we made our way over to Barnes and Noble the other day and I got the last one of the Stephanie Meyers series: Twilight, New Moon, & now Eclipse. Have yet to read one of them but the new one comes out in August and I think the movie in September. You know how I am from talking about it before: I'm great at buying; just not so great at reading. Bought the latest edition of Radar and I made Brent stay up late with me last night reading the 100 things listed on the back page. They changed their format and the magazine now has staples in it binding it together which is a bit cheesy if you ask me and they changed the fonts which I can't stand. Getting up the nerve to email them: like we wouldn't notice. Trying to get on the make the money bandwagon and cutting down on glue and binding I guess so now they're stapling the magazine like a pamphlet or brochure. Definitely do not like it so maybe I'll email them and let them know! How pathetic right? Actually worrying about the binding on a stupid magazine. Now I'm going to go worry about important stuff like greenhouse gases and global warming. But.... that's boring. I like the thought of terrorizing a magazine until they go back to the way it was last freakin' month!! Ciao!
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