Hopefully soon I'll have a new blog design. I've been thinking about it a lot lately and after the link from Kadie over at A Womb at the Inn (sane) I need some ideas bigtime. I don't want anything too cutesy, too girly, too boy(ey??), but just right. After really inspecting my site I realized how boring it is and it needs some action. Some oomph!!! Any ideas come to mind?? The boys' picture is cute, no, it's downright adorable and all, but who wants to look at them every time they visit my site? I do, but I'm sure no one else does. I know I've said it's my blog and I can whatever I want, but I want people to l-i-k-e it (whine) and I want people to c-o-m-e b-a-c-k to it. (more whine)
Of course, I offer no sound advice, no coupons, not even any real or practical suggestions to real problems. But I do like jokes about the dregs of society, hearing real gossip about people I know and don't know, and anything else that people really shouldn't say or do. I know people can be cruel and that's it... it's a cruel world. Grow some hide and roll with the punches. I have recently decided that I will not be controlled by what others think I should say, do, or how I should act/react to situations. I am tired of people wearing their emotions, political agendas and religion on their sleeve. I don't try and force anything down anyone's throat, don't do it to me. I like to read funny things and laugh. I LIKE to be entertained. I DO NOT LIKE thinking about serious stuff all the time, talking "feelings" hardly at all. You know I just realized that maybe that's why Brent loves me so much, deep down maybe I'm a man. Maybe I look like a girl on the outside (and the inside I guess because I did bear my own children) but on the rings of my DNA I may be a male. I may be a he/she that I have bad dreams about. Why else would I like nasty jokes, laughing at them and then trying to remember them to tell my sisters? Why else would I hate romantic comedies and movies that center around love.? Don't get me wrong. I loved There's Something About Mary and the ones like that but Definitely, Maybe was too boring for me. I loved Knocked Up, mainly because it was hilarious and I can definitely see the sexy humor in Seth Rogan! My favorite movie since Brent took me to see it years ago has always been Predator. I think it's the greatest movie ever and I just don't think many girls/women (am I a woman or a girl or a lady or a he/she??? I'll ponder that one later too) think that about this particular movie. It has the elements of excitement and mystery and the gore (which I love, the more blood and guts and scarier) the more I love it. I loved Wrong Turn. It's about some psychotic killer in-breeders and it is hilarious. I actually think it's a black comedy -- which brings me to Fargo. I love that movie, although I love, absolutely adore Four Weddings and a Funeral and Muriel's Wedding. So, now I'm really confused. Is I a girl or isn't I? Do I have to stop getting my mani's and pedi's and cut off my long brown, blonde, black, coco highlighted with red strips underneath hair? Really, I usually have about four different colors highlighted when I do get my hair colored and highlighted but it's not all ugly and punk or anything. Really subtle yet with a modern flair. Except for the gray that seems to be poking out all over as we speak. Do I have to cut it off into a mullet and stop buying and wearing my beloved MAC make-up? I dare not speak of such things. Maybe I can have some "man" things in my life, like porn, scary/gore movies, and hating when strange people cry in front of me and still be a girly-girl? Maybe I'm so used to being around all the boys and men in my life that I forgot what it's like to "feel" and have the "emotions" of a woman. Whatever, it's all bullshit anyway. In the words of Popeye "I am what I am." Was it Popeye that said that or one of the Little Rascals? hmmm. Ciao.
Of course, I offer no sound advice, no coupons, not even any real or practical suggestions to real problems. But I do like jokes about the dregs of society, hearing real gossip about people I know and don't know, and anything else that people really shouldn't say or do. I know people can be cruel and that's it... it's a cruel world. Grow some hide and roll with the punches. I have recently decided that I will not be controlled by what others think I should say, do, or how I should act/react to situations. I am tired of people wearing their emotions, political agendas and religion on their sleeve. I don't try and force anything down anyone's throat, don't do it to me. I like to read funny things and laugh. I LIKE to be entertained. I DO NOT LIKE thinking about serious stuff all the time, talking "feelings" hardly at all. You know I just realized that maybe that's why Brent loves me so much, deep down maybe I'm a man. Maybe I look like a girl on the outside (and the inside I guess because I did bear my own children) but on the rings of my DNA I may be a male. I may be a he/she that I have bad dreams about. Why else would I like nasty jokes, laughing at them and then trying to remember them to tell my sisters? Why else would I hate romantic comedies and movies that center around love.? Don't get me wrong. I loved There's Something About Mary and the ones like that but Definitely, Maybe was too boring for me. I loved Knocked Up, mainly because it was hilarious and I can definitely see the sexy humor in Seth Rogan! My favorite movie since Brent took me to see it years ago has always been Predator. I think it's the greatest movie ever and I just don't think many girls/women (am I a woman or a girl or a lady or a he/she??? I'll ponder that one later too) think that about this particular movie. It has the elements of excitement and mystery and the gore (which I love, the more blood and guts and scarier) the more I love it. I loved Wrong Turn. It's about some psychotic killer in-breeders and it is hilarious. I actually think it's a black comedy -- which brings me to Fargo. I love that movie, although I love, absolutely adore Four Weddings and a Funeral and Muriel's Wedding. So, now I'm really confused. Is I a girl or isn't I? Do I have to stop getting my mani's and pedi's and cut off my long brown, blonde, black, coco highlighted with red strips underneath hair? Really, I usually have about four different colors highlighted when I do get my hair colored and highlighted but it's not all ugly and punk or anything. Really subtle yet with a modern flair. Except for the gray that seems to be poking out all over as we speak. Do I have to cut it off into a mullet and stop buying and wearing my beloved MAC make-up? I dare not speak of such things. Maybe I can have some "man" things in my life, like porn, scary/gore movies, and hating when strange people cry in front of me and still be a girly-girl? Maybe I'm so used to being around all the boys and men in my life that I forgot what it's like to "feel" and have the "emotions" of a woman. Whatever, it's all bullshit anyway. In the words of Popeye "I am what I am." Was it Popeye that said that or one of the Little Rascals? hmmm. Ciao.
Oh, and by the way. I did the Walgreen's and CVS thing with coupons from all the websites I've been reading and it seems that I didn't do too good of a job but I am definitely making headway. I spent an out of pocket total of $123.46 and yet my total savings from in-store sales and coupons (both store and manufacturer coupons) was $83.62. Not bad. No pictures or anything like that because I bought a lot of stuff I'm not too proud about the prices. Like $16.99 for my Neutrogena Body Oil - sesame scented. I love, love, love that stuff and I hope they're making more as we blog!
And.... I'm not a lesbian. My friend just told me it sounds like I'm trying to come out of the closet. Nah, just wondering if its nature vs. nurture.
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