Can't sleep. It's almost 2:30am and I'm nowhere near being sleepy. Brent worked on the computer and bought new this/that and it's back in working order, tip-top shape. The poor man literally had to rebuild this piece of equipment and then go and buy another sound card because somewhere along the way ours was corrupted. He had to update the BIOS and cmos this and waaay too complex for me. Boring. But the good news is: I can hear everything now. I can hear the songs on my blog and I love that because at this point in my life, I love these songs or I wouldn't have put them on here. So, how was the fourth for y'all?? Ours was really pretty awesome. I wanted to take pics but my camera wasn't charged up so that blew big time. Brent's parents and his brother and my SIL and their two kiddos stopped by and they all popped fireworks. It seemed like the boys would never run out but we had a good time just watching all the fireworks going off around here. My brother-in-law bought a really pretty and big one that we did close to the end and that's the ones I like the best. Liam and Ian really enjoy the ones that are loud and louder and the more obnoxious, the better. Brent had bbq'd all day so when everyone left we stayed out until after 12:30, came in, ate again and we all took showers and watched some tv until the boys got sleepy. Needless to say it was after 3am before Brent and I got some shut-eye. They let us sleep in though and that was really nice. I really should have quick charged my cameras and taken some photos. I made a blueberry crunch for dessert and although I didn't eat dessert until about 2am, it was DELICIOUS. It was lovely and moist, and fruity and blueberryey ?. Brent loved it and so did the boys. Ian cannot get enough of it.

So, trying to find some fun stuff to do next week. I have a few things in mind for the boys but we'll see how that goes. Have a return on a computer software thingy from Circuit City and some errands to run on Monday, but other than that no big plans. My psychotic brother is up to his bad habits and to say the least, it's embarrassing. Have a little couth, gain some composure, act like an adult and check yourself back into rehab so you don't fuck away the next half of your life. I have no patience or room in my life for people that don't help themselves first so that chapter is closed. I'll just pull my Scarlett O'Hara thinking out of the closet that I haven't had to use for a long time and remember that "I'll think about that tomorrow." I used to be pretty good at it so hopefully time and age have been good to me and I'll be able to do it again. So, needless to say I won't be worrying about that.

UPDATE... UPDATE: Psycho bitch next door had a booty call and we witnessed it. Well, not actually THE booty call but I was out watering and Brent came up and said the guy on the motorcycle is there so we ran and looked and YUP, an actual booty-call.
I guess now I can sleep well knowing that highly disturbed, painfully ugly people out there in this world are getting a piece of ass every now and then too.
Oh and this piece of information I know you just can't live without: According to Tricia: dogs CAN talk. She called me this morning swearing up and down that Toshi wanted to go out and he was whining at the door and she swears she heard him say, hang on to your ass cuz this is one for the history books, dogs can TALK, she heard Toshi say "Maa Maa." You know, momma. WTF?? I think she's worked at the post office soooo long that now she's going postal. As in over the edge crazy. So, Toshi can now call her name when he wants to go out. I bet Maizee is all jealous and starts talking before long. You can bet your ass I won't be volunteering to bring that little sucker to his groomers anytime soon. Could you imagine driving down the road with Toshi in his little carrier all buckled up and all of a sudden he says "Bitch, you better not be dropping me off at the old dyke's house to get my balls washed!" To which I would reply: "You better shut-up or she'll find you in a pan of water on her stove when she comes home from work today!" Yorkies, aarrrhhh!! Ciao.
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