Another great find lately has been this pecan pie in a jar mix. I swear this is the best stuff. I made one of the pies for Thanksgiving and it was a big hit. Brent loved it and his brother liked it a lot too. I liked it better after it had been refrigerated and was all sticky and gooey, OMG I could have slapped your momma (not my momma, she's too little and frail right now). It is freakin awesome so I ran back to Gaudie & Co. and bought two more. At $15 a jar, it's a little pricey, but it is so well worth it. Really it is. I also found another place in town that sells it so if they don't carry it after the holidays, I know where I can get it locally. But there's always the internet. I think I'm going to make one of these for my friend's birthday that's coming up. However, I'll have to ask if she even likes pecan pie. Not to sure and these days, people are allergic to everything. I'm going to post a few pics over the Christmas break of us working on our gingerbread house. It was pretty pathetic but the boys (and Brent, and me) had fun doing it. We had to cut craft sticks in half to hold up the roof (lol) because it kept sliding off. The directions said to wait at least 30 minutes before adding all the embellishments to the top but did they listen to me or the directions? NOOOO. So it was sliding off and falling off so I just started eating the candy. The gum drops that we put on the roof were old and chewy, and they were so good. We couldn't get enough of them. So I hope you enjoy the pics of all my boys working so very hard. They tried to be so perfectionistic and it turned into a mess. But it was beautiful when it was done, in a mother's eyes of course.

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