Oh my gosh long time no see! Happy New Year!! Hope 2009 brings a lot of happiness, health, wealth and all the prayers I can send your way. I have taken a long bloggy vacation and I swore to myself that at the beginning of the year when all the hype from soccer playoffs, holidays, shopping, Christmas and New Year's were over with, I'd get down to business and try and find a happy medium. I dunno, maybe I had writer's block. That's funny because I don't actually consider this writing so I had blogger's block. Yup, the dreaded BB. Every time I'd think of something to blog about or get excited about telling everyone, I'd have that foreboding feeling that people were just judging every sentence, every period, every comma, every comment. Well, for someone who really doesn't give a crappo what others think, I think I was doing a good job of giving a shit. So, if you like it, keep reading, if not, log off. I've been perusing hundreds of blogs lately and that is basically the consensus. Write what you want and if people don't like it, well, they'll visit other sites they do like. I am very opinionated, stubborn and at times obscene, but hey, not everyone has all of those good points. Now for the bad... I'm opinionated, stubborn and obscene with a capital O, S, O. lol OK, that's funny. So I hope you all celebrated the New Year even if it was at home in dreamland. A new year, a new start, a new beginning, freshness abounds. blah blah blah.. Whatever. I just like it because my birthday is nine days away and I'll have a reason to celebrate with my hubby.
A quick recap of the last two months. School, homework, taxi for the boys, soccer games, soccer playoffs, CCD, Thanksgiving, a very long week with no school, shopping, shopping, excruciatingly mundane things like groveling over Christmas lists and gift lists to the point that I think I developed an ulcer, more shopping with Brent on two of his vacation days, school Christmas parties and staying up until past midnight making Christmas mice and goodies for the kiddos, a really great Christmas with family and friends, enjoying all the fruits of our labor, watching the boys play with all their new stuff and learning how to use my new professional series Kitchen Aid mixer. (I love this piece of kitchen equipment. If I go on an extended vacation, I will be bringing it with me). Did I tell you how much I love my mixer? Did I tell you how pretty it is? Did I tell you that it's so nice, pristinely clean and beautiful that I haven't even used it yet because I don't want it to get cake mix and flour and water and oil and crap all over it to never be the same again. Kind of like when you get your new haircut and it looks great because someone else did it and at home you know in your heart it will never be quite that great. Well, that's how I feel about the new addition to our family. She sits there so purty and clean that I've scrounged and scoured over recipes only to say "nah, not today. Maybe tomorrow." Do I have that Scarlett O'Hara syndrome? You know the "I'll think about that tomorrow." Yup, I really and truly believe I do. I promised Brent I would use it before the boys go back to school so I think a nice, simple peanut butter cookie recipe will suffice. I know, I'm rambling on. But does anyone else ever feel that way about such a materialistic thing? I guess I could just go throw some flour and water all over it and leave it overnight and then get up in the morning, kind of clean it and never feel the same about it again. Yeah, yeah. That's it. Like when you get a brand new minivan and your child spills an entire bottle full of milk in between the seat and the sliding back door but you don't discover it until a day later when the Texas sun has curdled all the milk into clods and your brand new van now smells like rotten feet. Yup, been there, done that. Ok, on to the recap. Christmas - Check. New Year's - Check. I guess we're up to par on the events unfolding in my life since we last had contact. New year and hopefully new ideas.
OH MY GOD I ALMOST FORGOT TO TELL YOU!! It freakin' snowed in Texas. We're in Southeast Texas and Brent woke us up at 12:30 in the morning on December 11th (I think it was the 11th) to tell us that it was snowing. No, not just a few flurries here and there but to us it looked like a blizzard. The boys were so funny. Sleepy, cold and gathering snow to eat and throw at each other. It was snowing hard until about 3:00am then it slowed down and we got back up at 5:30 am to watch it some more. It was so peaceful and tranquil. They played in it for about 45 minutes before they had to get dressed and go to school. Yup, you heard me right. It hasn't snowed and stayed on the ground here since 19freakin89 (last time it had even close to this amount was 19freakin73) and the school did not even delay it one minute. All the other school districts in the whole area and up north delayed school by two hours but noooooooooo, not our district. Liam went to school kind of bummed but once we drove up all the kids were having a giant snowball fight in the football field. He said that since first period was athletics the coaches let them stay out as long as they wanted. He didn't last too terribly long because he said his hands were so cold he was afraid he'd get frostbite. He's too funny, frostbite - in Texas - poor thing - he's so naive. But we took lots of pictures and it really did create some great memories. Ian still has a bag of snow (well, actually it's just a big clump of ice now) in the deep freeze. Sweet little man. He has no idea it's a big hard ice ball. I don't think I'll tell him for right now either.

Oh, one new thing I'm doing is helping my friend at her jewelry shops. My neighbor sells purses, jewelry, Yellowbox flip-flops and slippers and things of that sort. So, for the last several months I've been going to the shop on Wednesdays and working there for her while she does the jewelry shows in bank buildings, office buildings and hospitals. I guess I kind of volunteer, since I don't actually get paid. But for Christmas I got some great gifts for people on my list for our bartering arrangement. She gets help when she needs it and I get gifts when I need them. I have really enjoyed it. The women who come in are great and they buy stuff on their breaks at the hospital and lunch hour. So in the new year we've decided we're going to start making these really neat necklaces and try to personalize them, although we're still not sure exactly which ones. It's a really exciting opportunity and she's just as pumped as I am. It's been a long time since I've looked forward to creating something from nothing. Hurricane Ike repairs and damages kind of put a big damper on Christmas cheer around this area, but I think everyone is coming around. Like I told Brent, we could be living in a travel trailer in Bridge City so I guess ours doesn't seem so bad now. Just cumbersome. We actually had the structural engineers out the week before Christmas so we're waiting on their report to finally begin the next step.
I don't know about where you are but the traditions in Texas dictate that you have to have pork, black-eyed peas and cabbage on New Year's Day. So even with his smidgen of a hangover leftover from last night, Brent helped me get everything ready for a great lunch of bbq ribs, cabbage with smothered ribs, ham and a big ol pot of black-eyed peas. I have no idea how he seasons them but I love them the way he cooks them. I used to hate them so much that even as an adult (probably when we were DINKS -- double income no kids) that I would gag. Then one year after I had Liam and he was a small baby Brent made some and they tasted so good. They were so delicious and I've loved them ever since. He really spices them up and adds chunks of ham and... well you get the idea. So whatever the traditions are where you live, imbibe in them, carry them on year after year. Remember that song Tradition from Fiddler on the Roof. My daddy loved that song and used to sing it and dance around the house like Tevye, the father of all the girls in the movie. If you have never seen the movie, get it and watch it. Tradition. Tradition.
I hope everyone has been doing well, and I wish you all a Happy New Year. There are some awesome women out there with great blogs and my bloggy resolution for this year is that when I find a great blog and things that I feel others could benefit from, I will be sharing it here with you. I've received a lot of recipes, coupons, freebies, samples from great sites that have made such a difference. I love reading about other women and their families journey to a debt free life. We made our goals for 2009 and I have no doubt that we will meet them. Ciao Bella!
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